We all live in world of contradictions. For instance, women with thin hair, long for thick hair and vice versa. While, on the other hand, women with thick hair know it's trouble when it comes to hair care. However, I do agree, that thicker hair, allows you to experiment more when compared to thin hair. There are three hair types, namely, thin hair, medium hair and thick hair. To test which category you fall into, tie a pony tail. If your pony's diameter is equal to a dime, then it's thin hair and if you require two fists to hold the pony, then you can be proud of your hair. If your pony is between the two, then it's medium hair. Medium hair is the most commonly found hair type, which is extremely easy to manage, but can tend towards the thin side.
Voluminous Hair
Head Massage
South Asians are known to have long luscious locks. Wonder why?! Well...the secret is coconut oil. The abundance of coconut oil in this part of the world, has been the ancient secret for thick hair. So, buy yourself a bottle of coconut oil to get thick hair. Before you begin massaging your hair, just warm up a cup of oil and massage your scalp with it, in circular motion. Olive oil, jojoba oil, Castor oil, bhringaraj oil and lavender oil are also great for growing thick curly hair.
Hair Washing
Washing your hair is as important as oiling your hair. Wash your hair every alternate day, especially if you have thin hair and want to make it thick. You have to be very careful, while washing your thin hair. Make sure you use a shampoo that suits your hair well. While washing your hair, don't rub it too much as it leads to falling out of hair in clumps. At the same time, conditioning your hair, keeps them hydrated and soft. After washing your hair, don't rub them too hard, just pat dry them. Strictly avoid using a hair dryer as it leads to excess loss of moisture and damage. Let your hair dry completely, and then comb them, to remove the tangles.
To grow thicker hair naturally, you need to focus on your diet too as one of the thicker hair tips. Our hair needs the right diet, to stay healthy, thick and grow long. Thus, incorporate a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish and nuts for healthy hair. Since hair are protein, make sure, that you have a lot of protein in your dietary intake.
You may want thick hair, but it's important that they grow long and strong. If you allow your hair to grow as naturally as possible, they will grow healthily. Hence, refrain from curling, straightening, coloring and doing anything unnatural to your hair. Use of henna and egg yolk is a great way of getting thick hair. An important suggestion for growing thick hair is, to cover your hair every time you go out. This keeps your hair safe from pollution, dust and other harmful external factors. Keeping trimming your hair every 6-8 weeks, to remove the split ends and the thin hair, so that they can grow evenly.
Your hair is a manifestation of every effort you put in them to make them whatever you want them to be.