Being single is getting over the illusion that there is somebody out there to complete you and taking charge of your own life. - Omkar Phatak
The thought above came as a realization to me, some years ago and life hasn't been the same since then. This article is dedicated to all the single guys and girls out there who live an awesome life and know the meaning of what it means to have a good time! They are the ones who can truly understand the benefits of being single in this world. For those of you who have recently attained a single status, this article will present the silver lining of breaking up from a relationship that wasn't working out.
Are you a happy single or single but desperate to fall for someone? There is a lot of difference between those two states. Personally, I feel that the first state is the ideal one to be in, while the second one is going to lead you to make a lot of bad choices! The idea is to be comfortable being who you are and be on the path of realizing your true potential. You will certainly find someone along the way, who shares your view of the world and understands you for who you are. Most people who are single and desperate to change that status, are missing out upon the many benefits of a single status.
Benefits of Single Status
People actually dread being single! It is true that you need a close companion in the journey of life. However, taking this fact to the point where the only objective of one's life is finding that one borders on being ridiculous. What you are looking for is a fellow traveler, with whom the journey will be more enjoyable. That person cannot be your destination, if you get what I am talking about here!
If you are going to be moving around with droopy eyes looking for that special someone desperately and be needy, you are seriously downgrading your chances of finding someone eventually! All that said and done, if you are a sore single, you are missing out on a lot, which I endeavor to remind you about in the following lines.
Time to Reconnect With Yourself
Instead of despairing being single, which is not going to help you change your status, look at it as an opportunity to find yourself. If you have just gone through a relationship break up, initially it will be very painful, but later you will realize all that you were missing out upon. Looking in the mirror, you find somebody who is not you. You are a shadow of your former self.
You will realize the degree to which you have compromised being who you are, to be accepted by your ex partner! It is time that this stopped and you started asserting yourself for who you truly are. Place your happiness above everything else! Realize that it is not dependent on the whims of some person.
Take time to explore the true definition of love. Spend time doing things that you like. Follow up every one of those interests, that you were constrained from pursuing when you were in a relationship! You will slowly realize that you are happy, despite being single!
Freedom to Make Your Own Decisions
Another advantage is the complete freedom that you get to make decisions on your own. You don't need somebody's approval to do what you want to. While being a single parent after a divorce or otherwise can be tough, it gives you time to connect with your child or children like never before. Yes, it's tough being a mom and a dad, but then, it has the added benefit of being there for your children more than before.
You are free of the dependence in decision-making that inevitably follows from being in a relationship for too long. Take the freedom to think on your own and make your own decisions. Breathe the fresh air of freedom my friend! Enjoy the peace of mind and liberation from emotional turbulence that riddles relationships. You will realize that being a happy loner has its benefits.
Freedom to Follow Your Ambitions
The liberation that being single provides you to follow your ambitions is an often overlooked benefit. Work hard, party harder! I am not saying that being in a relationship, you cannot follow your ambitions, but it does put a lot of constraints and responsibility. Being single, you can focus better on your work, without all the emotional tribulations getting in your way. Balancing work life and a relationship can be a daunting task for men and women.
It is better to wait for a time when you are in a better position to give full justice to a relationship, than get into one hurriedly and ruin it because of interests in professional life. Set your priorities in order. This is a good time to do that. For your own growth, it is important that you prove yourself in your own eyes, before you even think of getting into a relationship.
More Time For Pals
One of the prime benefits is the time you get to spend with you pals! People in a relationship rarely get time to spend with their friend circles, because of the time they spend together. Go for that camping trip that you have been planning with your friends for so long. Go for that biking trip you have been thinking about for so long with your biking gang.
Freedom to Take Risks
When you are single, there is more room for you to take risks, that you normally wouldn't while being in a relationship. You can take financial risks and personal risks in your area of work, without worrying about dependents.
Flirt 360 Degrees
Of course, nobody has stopped you from flirting harmlessly 360 degrees! You need to stay in the game, though you waive the 'single but unavailable' status. Don't hurry or jump into anything serious until you are sure and ready for it. Nobody can switch off the flirting instinct which is inbuilt!
Know What Happiness Means
Many people rush early into a relationship without knowing what they really want or what happiness means to them. Take charge of your life with confidence and find out what you are truly made for. You derive happiness from positive changes that you see in yourself, which can only arise when you take up newer challenges.
For me at least, ultimate happiness is not just being with that special somebody, but sharing my own happiness with her, as she will share hers with mine, as we both pursue our goals independently. Don't sacrifice your personal happiness for acceptance! You have to create your own world and seek your personal challenges. It is in the struggle to overcome those challenges, that you will find happiness.
Strive to be independent and happiness will follow from it. Once you have achieved personal balance from within, you will be able to give out love and take it in much more gracefully. Enjoy the freedom that you get as being single! That's one of its prime benefits. You can change the single status to 'happily married' one day, when you find someone who lets you be yourself!