Popular Haircuts for Boys

There are many types of boys' haircuts that can be worn by kids as well as teenagers. As kids are active and energetic, it is better for them to wear short haircuts which, unlike long hairstyles, do not interfere in their play and enjoyment activities. Long hairstyles, on the other hand, are mostly preferred by teenagers and youngsters, as they choose to be more intent in making a fashion statement.

Teenagers and youngsters can easily choose their type of hairstyle and wear it according to their likes. But in choosing the appropriate hairdo for kids, parents need to think on some important aspects. They need to make sure that the haircut they choose for their son does not hinder his daily activities in school or in home. It is suggested to keep kids' hair shorter. Since kids do not like to spend more time in front of the mirror styling their hair, make sure that the haircut is very easy to do and maintain. For those thinking about convenient hairdos for boys, short hairstyles and haircuts are the best options.

Popular Types of Boys' Haircuts

Military or Crew Cut
This is the best haircut option for kids who are playing all day long. Moreover, it is also really easy to maintain. As a matter of fact, a crew or military haircut being very short does not actually require any maintenance. You can set the hair in place by just using your hand.

A spiky hairstyle is great for kids who are not much into playing but prefer to be stylish and cute. Spikes can be made on hair which is a bit longer than the hair in a crew cut. Being a short haircut, it is also easy to maintain. You would need some amount of hair gel for making spikes on the all over the head or just at the front.

Comb Down
A comb down hairdo is where the hair is allowed to grow little longer till it covers the ears. This kind of haircut is good for kids and teenagers who have fine and silky hair. It seems much like a bowl haircut.

Bowl Haircuts
A bowl haircut is mostly suitable for teenagers. It relates to a bowl being positioned on your head, and the hair that comes from under it being cut. So, it seems as if a bowl made of hair is placed on the kid's head.

Shag Hairstyles
A shaggy haircut is kind of a rough and disordered cut. It relates to using different layers of hair to make a rough hairdo. This teen hairstyle does not require maintenance, as it is actually meant to be without maintenance. You would just need to brush the hair, and nothing more.

Side Sweep
A side sweep is more formal than a shag hairdo, as the layers of the hair are well set in a proper manner to either sides. This is one of the most ordinary hairstyles that is used by kids, teenagers, as well as youngsters. It can also be worn on a majority of occasions.

These are some of the most popular boys' haircuts. Whichever haircut you choose for your son, simply ensure that it is easy to do and maintain and he looks great in that haircut.

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