Hands are like the workhorses of our body. They are exposed to extreme sunlight, undergo a lot of wear and tear, therefore they are vulnerable to fast aging. You can defy your age by using tons of makeup and spotting a funky hairdo, but your hands are painfully honest in bringing out your true age. Just as you may strive to have younger-looking skin, many endeavor having younger-looking hands. You don't need to worry though, because this article reveals the secrets for keeping hands beautiful and young. So, let's peep into the box of beauty secrets.
Get Younger-Looking Hands
Use a mild scrub on the back of your palms to get those silky soft hands. You can also use a soft brush to scrub your hands to get rid of the dead skin. A fine pumice stone also works wonders to get rid of the rough skin or ridges, if any. You can also make your own exfoliating scrub at home, or use the same one that you use for your face. Some homemade scrubs can be made by mixing honey and finely crushed oatmeal or sea salt mixed with lemon juice. The exfoliation process will ensure smooth and glowing hands.
The moisturizing process follows the exfoliating session and it is considered as the most important part of hand care. Never forget to apply a hydrating hand cream after every scrubbing session as this will ensure drying out of hands. Keep a moisturizing lotion in your purse and apply it every time you wash your hands; this will keep them looking smooth and youthful. It is also important to apply a good moisturizer to your hands before going to bed.
Nail Care
Nails are an integral part of our hands, and therefore nail care is one of the secrets to younger-looking hands. Trim your nails and keep them clean. Keep your cuticles neat and in line. Use a cuticle pusher to maintain them in line, and never cut them as there are chances you may damage them. Although a pretty colored nail polish looks awesome, make sure you let your nails breath once in a while. Do not cover them with an enamel all the time. If you are willing to spend a few bucks, take professional help to pamper your nails and don a beautiful nail art.
We usually tend to get involved in certain activities like gardening, cleaning, scrubbing utensils and forget about the torture we actually put our hands through. Hence, the next time you engage yourself in any such activity, do not forget to protect your hands with suitable gloves. Gloves will protect your hands from harmful chemicals and put them through less wear and tear. Another enemy that can cause damage is the sun. The sun's ultraviolet rays can speed up the aging process. Hence, never leave your house without applying sunscreen. This does not apply to your hands alone, but to all parts of the body, which are exposed to sun's radiation.
You put your hands through enough hard work, don't you? Come on, they definitely need to be pampered from time to time then. Hands love spa treatments and manicures. So, treat them to these sessions once or twice a month. You can also perform these sessions at home or get them done by a good manicurist. Take my advice and get a professional massage for your palms, fingers and wrists, which can help you relax and relieve the built up stress.
These were some tips on how to get younger-looking hands. Hands are your prized possessions and it is always better to prevent the damage than to fix it. So care for your hands, as they have a lot to say about your personality and style!