Fruit trees, as the name implies are the trees that bear fruits, some of which can be consumed by human and animals. In general, the term 'fruit tree' is used to refer to those trees that produce fruits, which can be consumed by human. Growing such fruit trees can be a really rewarding experience, as you would be able to enjoy those delicious fruits for years to come.
Before Planting Trees
Before planting any fruit tree of your choice, you have to decide about the size of the tree that can be grown in your yard. If you do not have much space, you can go for the dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties of the tree. However, you can go for the standard variety, if your yard has space enough to accommodate a large fruit tree. Next to tree size, the other important point is to find out what type of soil your fruit tree prefers. It depends on the particular type of fruit tree. As for example, apples prefers dry soil, while plum tree grows well in damp soil. So, it is better to do some preliminary research on the different types of fruit trees and their specific needs. However, most of these trees can tolerate a wide range of soil types, provided the soil is well-drained.
The Process of Planting
Once you have decided about the size of the tree and soil type, it is time to plant your fruit tree. However, do not forget to soak the root before planting. Now, dig a hole that is large enough to accommodate the root ball of the tree. Usually, the hole should be a bit wider than the size of the root ball of the tree and deep enough to completely cover the roots. The depth of the planting hole is very important, especially if you are planting the grafted fruit trees. For planting grafted fruit trees, the hole should be so deep, that it can provide space to a growing root system. After digging the hole, loosen the soil around the hole, so that the tree can easily expand its roots. Put some soil at the bottom of the hole in order to make a mound in the center.
Now, carefully place the root ball of the plant just on top of the mound. You have to take adequate care to plant fruit trees in such a way that the graft union or graft line of the tree lies slightly above the level of the ground. The graft line can be identified as a diagonal scar on the trunk or as a lump, a few inches from the soil. After placing the tree in the hole, you can fill it up with soil. Be sure to pat or firm the soil around the tree gently and then water it, so as to settle the soil around the roots. Apply a layer of mulch or organic material like, leaves around the base of the tree to help retain moisture. However, be sure to not place mulch or leaves near the graft line of the tree. You can plant fruit trees in winter or spring, which is the best time to plant fruit trees. But, if there is frost, then it is better to not plant fruit trees in fall, and instead, wait till early spring.
Fruit Tree Care
Once you are done with the planting, you have to take a lot of care to ensure healthy growth and fruit production. You have to water your trees sufficiently, following a few weeks after planting and during the dry season. To grow properly, the trees will also need some pruning. The best time for pruning is when they are in the dormant stage, i.e. during late winter or early spring. Once the trees have started growing properly, you can consider the application of fertilizer. You can use either chemical or organic fertilizer for this purpose. Even mulching can help a lot to grow healthy trees. You can use plant leaves, lawn clippings, as well as hay for mulching the trees. It is also important to remove the suckers from time to time, that may appear below the graft line of the tree.
As the fruiting season arrives, your trees would require some additional care and attention. As for example, if the tree is producing too many fruits, they may not grow to the size of your expectation. In such a situation, you may need to thin or remove some of the fruits from the trees, in order to ensure the production of bigger and better fruits. Last, but not the least, be sure to control the growth of weeds to promote healthy growth of fruit trees.