It is every woman's dream to have a flawless, glowing complexion. However, due to a number of reasons such as prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, hormone imbalance that occurs in a woman's body during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, acne, the natural aging process or reaction to some medicines, a woman might find her skin getting spoiled by dark spots. There are numerous beauty products available in the market which are especially formulated to remove these spots. Out of these, bleaching cream is perhaps the most widely used.
There is a plethora of options available in the market. Well, the best one depends upon a number of factors, such as the manufacturer's reputation, the reviews of the consumers, how safe is the cream and most importantly, the quality of the ingredients. Most creams consist of ingredients such as hydroquinone, elegic acid, azelaic acid and kojic acid. All these ingredients help in lightening the skin color by working on the melanin deposits on the skin. Below is some useful information on the various kinds of bleaching creams available these days.
Moisturizing Creams
Certain bleaching creams available in the market, besides the skin lightening ingredients, consist of moisture providing substances as well, like vitamin C, vitamin E and alpha hydroxy acids. These ingredients ensure that along with balancing out the skin tone and helping to remove dark spots, it keeps the skin soft, supple and younger looking, by way of extra moisture.
Gel-based Creams
Gel-based creams are effective for people who have a combination skin. These gel based creams fade the spots on the skin and help in getting rid of skin problems such as freckles, sun spots, skin discolorations, etc. Some gel based creams even consist of sunscreen, which helps in preventing dark spots from appearing on the skin again.
Nighttime Creams
This consists of ingredients such as Hydroquinone, botanical extracts and antioxidants which fade the dark spots on face and treat skin discolorations. These creams have to be applied in the night before sleeping, so that they can work on the skin whole night, removing the spots, moisturizing and firming the skin - all at the same time.
Specific-Use Creams
Some bleaching creams are especially formulated to treat the skin which has become dark or has dark spots on it due to the use of oral contraceptives. So women who have got dark spots because of this reason, should apply such creams to lighten dark spots.
Tips on Treating Black Spots with Bleaching Cream
As the chemicals in a bleaching cream are pretty strong, that's why it is very important that it is used in an appropriate manner, so that no harm to the skin can be caused. Here are some tips on applying bleaching cream for dark spots.
- Before using it on the face, a patch test should be done by applying it on the elbow. If for two days there is no reactions/negative effects on the skin, it can be applied on the face.
- After the face has been bleached, a woman should apply sunscreen with minimum SPF 30 before going out in the sun.
- The cream should only be applied on the dark spots or areas of the skin which need to be treated to avoid lightening the surrounding skin areas.
- As it tends to make the skin sensitive, so for cleaning the skin which has been bleached, a good quality face wash should be used.
- A bleaching cream should not be applied on the sensitive areas of the skin such as around the eyes.
- It should be applied moderately, as its effects last only as long as it is used. Thus, apply in moderation, so that skin lightening occurs gradually.