Plucking eyebrows may seem like an easy enough task, though there are certain dos and don'ts involved in it. When we meet people, the first thing they notice in us is our face. If we look presentable, we automatically feel confident and comfortable. Every woman loves to have well-shaped eyebrows and it looks good too. And this can be achieved with a simple process - by plucking your eyebrows. Women (and some men) should be aware of how to pluck eyebrows in a correct manner as it can be the difference between looking like glam doll and Oscar from Sesame Street. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, just needed to tell you how important it is. I know that many men and women think that plucking eyebrows is a waste of time; but trust me, it definitely isn't. You can seriously achieve that perfect look with properly shaped eyebrows. And we are here to tell you how it is done correctly. So sit back, relax, and read the rest of the article for proper steps.
Before You Pluck Eyebrows for the First Time
The first thing you need to do, before plucking your eyebrows, is to be calm and patient through the entire process. If you try to rush through the steps, it could mean disaster as you may or may not match both eyebrows. Now I would normally suggest that you visit a professional if you are doing your eyebrows for the first time, but if you have decided to take this task into your own hands, I won't stop you. Instead, we will help you. So... where were we? Oh yes, the pre-plucking steps.
- First and foremost, let your eyebrows grow. I know this may seem a bit uncomfortable at first, but in order to get the right shape, you need something to work with, right?
- Inspect the direction of the hair growth. It is very important that you understand if your eyebrow hair is growing slightly upward or towards the left.
- Finally, get a magnifying mirror with light, a pair of good quality tweezers, moisturizing lotion, cleanser, and clean mascara brush. When you have the items, go to the next section.
For getting the right shape, you can research online as to what are the different eyebrow shapes which you can choose from. You can even search through celebrity pictures to get a clear idea. Once you have finalized a shape that will suit your face, follow the steps given below.
- Wash your face properly with a cleanser. Use warm water to rinse your face. The warm water will help when you are plucking your eyebrows.
- Pat dry your face with a cotton towel and apply a moisturizing lotion over the eyebrows. This way, your eyebrows will become soft and plucking them would be easy.
- You can also dip a cotton cloth in hot water and place the damp cloth over your face for about 10 minutes. This will also aid in opening the pores and making the task a little less painful.
- Use the mascara brush to shape your eyebrows up and outward. At the base of the eyebrow, the bottom part, brush the hair downward. This is the hair that has to be plucked out.
- Now hold the tweezers in your right or left hand (whichever you are comfortable with), keeping the open end of the tweezers up. We will begin from the innermost part of the eyebrow.
- The hair that is at the bottom, begin to pluck the eyebrows so that a perfect outline can be created. Make sure your hands are steady and you're not rushing at it.
- Once you are finished plucking one side, use the mascara brush again to shape them. If any hair strand is left, you can pluck it one by one.
- Follow the same steps on the other side and try to shape symmetrically. Although both eyebrows may not be similar, we can at least make them look acceptable.
- Apply the moisturizing lotion again. Don't keep touching them.
Damage Control... Some Helpful Pointers
It can be possible that even after following the above mentioned tips on how to pluck eyebrows, you ended up plucking more than required. Or maybe, one eyebrow is not matching with the other. What is it that can be done about it?
- Rush to your makeup bag and get the eyebrow pencil out. This pencil color should match the hair color on your eyebrow.
- Make sure the pencil is sharp and apply thin, sharp lines to cover the uneven brow.
- You can also use brown eyeshadow and apply it over the brow line with a firm bristled eyebrow brush.