Hair Dye Allergy

Hair dye seems to be an easy remedy to hide those white locks of hair. Many youngsters use hair dye to give visually appealing color to the hair. Sounds interesting? Isn't it? But did you know that some of these have to visit a doctor to get treatment for allergic reaction due to application of hair dye. It is observed that people with a sensitive scalp are susceptible to hair dye allergy.


The severity of symptoms will differ from person to person, but in most cases, signs of an allergic reaction are noticed within 24 hours after application of the hair dye. Scalp itching is one of the most common symptoms of allergic reaction from a hair dye. The scalp and the hairline may show signs of pimple or blister formation. Dermatitis on the hairline is a common complaint among hair dye users. In some cases, contact dermatitis does not remain restricted to hair-line but also spreads to the forehead and the neck. Besides affecting the face, a severe allergic reaction may manifest in the form of swollen eyes. Rashes and swelling is also seen in other parts of the body. The person who has applied hair dye may also experience fever and a nauseating feeling and may find it difficult to swallow food.


Wash It Off
The best remedy for allergic reactions from hair care products is to get rid of it as early as possible. Rinsing hair with a mild shampoo, will remove all the applied hair dye. This will definitely help to reduce the discomfort associated with symptoms of hair dye allergy. Remember, occurrence of rash due to hair dye application is an indication that the hair products is not tolerated by the body, hence, removing it would be the best option.

Swelling around the face and on the eyelids can be treated with corticosteroid drugs. However, these medications have to be taken as instructed by the doctor, to keep its side effects at bay. Claritin helps to reduce scalp itching and swelling. One may either take the drug internally or use its topical form to apply it on the scalp.

This is yet another medication that has found to effective to counteract the effects of allergic reactions. Benadryl is basically an antihistamine and is available over the counter but one has to necessarily consult a doctor to know its exact dosage.

Foods that acts as skin healers should be included in the diet. One must eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and fruits. Most importantly, intake of carrot juice or externally applying it, is found to be useful to treat a variety of skin disorders. Carrot juice is loaded with vitamin A and hence is beneficial to eliminate skin problems. Allergic reactions that affect the skin can also be successfully treated with the usage of carrot juice.

Natural Moisturizers
Natural skin care moisturizers are also useful to treat adverse skin reactions, occurring due to hair dye allergy. These products can help to restore healthy skin.


The best way to prevent allergic reaction resulting from usage of hair dye is by first applying a small amount of the solution of this product on the wrist or behind the ears. Allow the solution to remain on the skin for a period of 25-30 minutes and then wash it off with water. These areas of the body have delicate skin, hence they are ideal to test for any allergic reaction. After washing the solution, keep a check on the appearance of the skin for a period of 24 hours. If the skin becomes red, irritated or shows development of blisters, then discarding this hair care product is recommended to be on the safer side.

On the whole, one needs to carefully select a hair dye product, after consulting a doctor. First of all, you need to introspect and decide whether it is necessary to go for hair dye. A natural look of your hair would be far better than spending money for hair dye allergy treatment.

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