Non-Surgical Neck Lift

One of the most disturbing and clearly visible problems that many of us face is a double chin. Yes, no matter how many double chin exercises you do, and no matter how much weight you lose, that annoying band of skin below the neck will still hang! So, what can you do? While some people may advise you to regularly do some chin fat exercises, there will be a few that will simply ask you to just go in for a double chin plastic surgery and be done with it. However, there is an in-between option that you can go for, known as a non surgical neck lift. What this procedure is, and how it is done has been explained below...

Non Surgical Neck Lift Procedures

Heat Treatment
This is an easy option for people that do not wish to go for a proper surgical procedure. In this process, radio frequency is used, in conjunction with cooling waves. Heat is applied via the radio frequency and this heat makes the collagen react by breaking it down and forcing it to remodel itself. This leads to skin tightening and thus, reduction of hanging loose skin in the region of the neck. This also lends the neck skin more amount of elasticity, thus, making it look far more healthy and younger. Although there is a slight risk of side effects like burns, but these occur only if the procedure is not done properly. This procedure is done under local anesthesia and although the results are temporary and may vary from person to person, with repeated sessions, a considerable amount of skin tightening can be achieved with the help of this non surgical procedure for neck lift. This may be one of the ways to get rid of, or slightly tighten, sagging neck skin which may actually be the reason for your double chin. However, you need to go in for this treatment with a very realistic approach, that is, this is not a facelift nor is it a replacement for one. It will merely slightly tighten the sagging skin in the region of the neck.

Botox Treatment
Once again, an option when it comes to a non surgical procedure for neck lift is to go in for botox. Botox is already a common option for some people who wish to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. So, how does botox act to get rid of sagging skin in the region of the neck? Well, this is a treatment option for those people who have slightly sagging skin in the neck but not too much of neck fat. The botox basically acts on the platysma muscle, which is the muscle present in the neck. The botox injections help to make it more taut, so that it does not hang in the neck and thus, there is no visible double chin. This procedure only brings about a slight amount of skin tightening and does not actually lead to any loss of fat in the region of the neck.

This was all about the non surgical options for a neck lift that a person can go in for. The procedure cost will vary, depending on the kind of procedure and how many sessions of it you opt for. There are a few more treatment options, like using volumizers and fillers to get rid of vertical neck cords that may be unsightly, although these usually require repeated sessions for good results. The success of these various treatments will depend on the case of the individual, and these results may vary from person to person. However, if you have very hanging, or loose skin in the region of the neck, or if you have a lot of fat in the neck region, then you may need to opt for either neck exercises and/or a double chin surgery for any kind of worthwhile and appreciable results.

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