T-Shirt Printing Machine

Have you always thought that you could create those t-shirts that flood the market? Are you sure you can design your own t-shirt and make a career out of it? If yes, then you may do well to invest in a t-shirt printing machine as seen on TV and magazine advertisements to create customized t-shirts that you can sell. This could be a start of a whole new business and also help you make some great gifts. With the right machine, you can create some funky t-shirts and increase your cash flow.

Types of T-shirt Printing Machines

If you are looking at options, then we assume you intend to start out in the t-shirt printing business. If you want to indulge in t-shirt printing at home, then you could use the screen printing method. With the t-shirt screen printing machine you can create a t-shirt with more than two colors. This machine is shaped like a carousel and needs you to insert screens to copy the design onto the t-shirt. If you search around, you should be able to find a used silk screen printing machine for sale. Another type of printing machine that you can use is the heat transfer printer. This printing machine allows for faster printing as compared to the screen printing method. The machine functions on the principal of using heat for transferring the photo or design that you have etched on to the t-shirt. The problem with this printer lies in the durability of the design. Many users have complained about the design peeling off after a while.

Another type of machine that you can use is a vinyl t-shirt printer. This is the perfect machine for high quality printing as the layering of colors with this machine is brilliant but the problem with the machine lies in the high costs that the use of the machine involves which makes mass production a major problem. Sublimation printers are another option that you can look at while looking for printing machines. These printers turn ink into gas due to the heat but these printers can be used only with some fabrics as they change the texture of the fabric during the printing process. If you are a beginner to the process of t-shirt printing, then opt for a clam type press which takes hardly any space and has a very small frame. For mass production, the pneumatic press is the best option for a professional t-shirt printing machine but these tend to be expensive; a price you pay for their efficiency. If you are looking for a digital machine, opt for laser printing.

Buying a Printing Machine

So now that you know what the machines that are available to you are, let us take a look at how you can procure a machine for t-shirt printing. Before buying a t-shirt printer, you need to figure out how many t-shirts you will be producing, and what your budget is. You will also need to take into account the costs that are involved in maintaining the machine, and the expenses involved in buying the supplies for the same. While starting out, it is better to opt for a smaller option and as your business expands you can look at larger machines which will increase your output.

Ask around at local shops and businesses for machines and models from different manufacturers that suits your requirements. Make a note of all the prices and check it against the prices of the same models as available on online shops. You may come across discounted rates. It is important that you look for the best price available to you before investing in a machine as you do not spend unnecessary money. While buying the machine it is also important that you make all the inquiries about the spare parts for the printer, maintenance charges, and labor costs. Once you have looked at all the pros and cons involved in buying a certain machine, and you have placed the order, ensure that you keep the warranty, receipt, and any other document carefully for any future needs. When the machine is delivered remember to check it once before the company representative leave.

Now that you know how to pick a t-shirt printing machine, you should have no problem embarking on your new business. Let your creativity free and create t-shirts that may become the latest rage in the market.

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