Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility

Trust me, the word 'compatibility' is just a synonym of any relationship. Relationships are bonded forever only when the compatibility quotient between you and your partner is high. We are always keen to study the zodiac signs and their characteristics to know ourselves and our partners better. Sometimes, this study helps us in overcoming the shortcomings and pitfalls of our relationships. This article is dedicated to all the Taurians and Sagittarians. If you are into a relationship where your partner is either Taurus or Sagittarius, vice versa, then this article will definitely capture your interest. Read it and know yourself and your partner better.

Zodiac Birthdates

Birthdates between 21st April to 20th May have zodiac sign Taurus and birthdates between 22nd November to 22nd December have zodiac symbol Sagittarius.

Characteristics of Taurus and Sagittarius

The bull representing Taurus is completely earthy. Taurians are gentle, compassionate, sensitive, loyal, dependable, trustworthy and possessive. They are very stubborn and get aggressive only when provoked. Taurus zodiac sign also symbolizes love for materialistic things. They are physically as well as emotionally strong and they dislike changes. Sexually they are active, passionate and love attention. Sagittarius, the archer represents fire. Sagittarius people are intellectual and freedom loving. They are adventurous and sometimes argumentative. While Sagittarius people are generous and kind they are sometimes too outgoing, careless and reckless. They also enjoy sexual pleasure.

Sagittarius Man - Taurus Woman
A Taurus woman is attracted by the fun loving, enthusiastic, optimistic, intelligent and good sociable nature of a Sagittarius man, while the trustworthy, gentle, patient behavior of a Taurus women is highly appreciated by a Sagittarius man. Sagittarius man are mostly irresponsible, fiery, flirtatious and impatient. These create trouble, aggression, jealousy and anger when these qualities totally go against the possessive, calm, dependable and self tolerant attitude of a Taurus woman.

Sagittarius Woman - Taurus Man
A Taurus man is very possessive and responsible to his partner. He wants his Sagittarius woman to listen to him and dominates her in his own loving way. This attitude is very much against the independent and outgoing nature of a Sagittarius women. There are clashes when the carefree attitude of a Sagittarius women contradicts the reserve nature of a Taurus man.

The Final Answer

After reading the differences and similarities you must be into a deep thought about their compatibility. The final answer is that the bull and the archer are compatible. Taurus with Sagittarius compatibility comes only when there is a sense of appreciation for each other's behavioral traits. Rather than giving a futile effort to change each other's qualities you must try to compromise and accept. Just for an example, when the Sagittarian wants to go out, socialize and talk, at the same time, the Taurian might want to sit at home and bury his head under a book. In this situation, the Taurus should grant some liberty to the Sagittarius and the Sagittarius must respect the likes and dislikes of the Taurian. Thus, if a mutual understanding between the two pervades, compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius also prevails. Know the common things between you and your partner, try not to interfere too much with the differences and give space to each other for a persistent and happy relationship. If your flaws are too grave, the best way is to talk it out amicably. Last but not the least, a happy and satisfied sex life increases their compatibility quotient.

Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility depends on how well one can cope with each other. Know the interesting facts about Sagittarius and Taurus compatibility. Folks just stay cheerful and joyous to make your relationship wonderful each day.

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