Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant vitamin that is highly beneficial to our body. Although the prime function of vitamin E is protecting the cell membranes of the body, it also plays a role in maintaining a healthy blood count, healthy heart, muscles, nerves, skin and hair. Vitamin E is available in green leafy vegetables and fruits like mangoes, papayas, raspberries, etc. We can also furnish our body with required amounts of vitamin E by taking vitamin E supplements containing vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is considered nothing less than a beauty solution, which heals and rejuvenates skin. Vitamin E oil for face, skin, hair and cuticles is known to work wonders! Let's have a look at the benefits of vitamin E oil on the face.
Benefits of Vitamin E Oil for Face
Vitamin E oil is a colorless, viscous fluid that is slightly difficult to spread across the skin. The oil feels really sticky while and after application, however, it gets absorbed quickly into the underlying tissues of the skin. It works on the underlying layers of the skin and leaves the surface of the skin smooth and soft, which is why it is ideal for dry skin. Pure vitamin E oil for your face is available at the stores. You could also nip the tip of the vitamin E capsule and squeeze out the oil within, for application.
Vitamin E Oil for Wrinkles and Age Spots
Vitamin E oil has wonderful anti-aging properties. Its antioxidant properties block free radical damage caused by exposure to UV rays, which is what is responsible for formation of wrinkles and age spots. Vitamin E also boosts collagen production in the skin, which maintains skin elasticity and again prevents wrinkle formation. Besides slowing down the pace of wrinkle formation, vitamin E also helps fade wrinkles by enhancing cell regeneration and repair. Applying it regularly before going to bed will erase the so-called 'laughing lines' on your face. Depending on the depth of the lines, it will take longer to vanish. To tap this benefit apply a little vitamin E oil on your finger and rub it onto your face after removing make-up at night. Rub gently on the wrinkles around the eyes, wrinkles around the lips and other wrinkled areas or dark spots of your face. Let's not forget, vitamin E oil cannot prevent emergence of wrinkles, however, it can slow down the onset of wrinkle occurrence on the face. Whatever you do, do not allow the oil to get into your eyes and people with oily skin should not apply vitamin E oil.
Good Cleanser
Vitamin E oil is one of the best skin cleansers and make great toning agents as well. After a tiring day at work, just dab a cotton ball with some vitamin E oil and gently rub it onto your face. Rub in circular motions moving from one part to another. The dirt, grime and gunk from the face gets transferred from the face to the cotton ball. Your face will also feel smooth and soft.
Great Moisturizer
Vitamin E oil is also well-known for its skin moisturizing properties. After washing your face with warm water, apply vitamin E oil onto your face with a ball of cotton. Leave the oil overnight and rinse again with warm water in the morning. Since vitamin E oil is also rich in antioxidants, it also gives the face a glowing look. However, because of its sticky nature, vitamin E oil is not an ideal daily moisturizer. Applying it twice a week should be sufficient enough.
Sunburn Relief
The stinging sensation of minor sunburns can be alleviated by application of vitamin E oil. The oil minimizes the damage done to the skin after being exposed to the harmful ultra-violet rays of the Sun. One should apply vitamin E oil twice a day on the sunburned area of the face until it heals. Vitamin E oil is added to sunscreen lotions, as it helps block damage caused by UV rays.
Heals Surgical Scars
Vitamin E oil has been touted for its scar healing properties. However, till date it has not been scientifically proved that vitamin E can heal scars. Several studies and experiments have been conducted to verify vitamin E oil's scar healing properties, however, no truth has been found in this claim. Then again, there are several testimonies of people, stating how topical application of vitamin E oil has lightened burn scar marks.
Heals Chapped Lips and Cold Sores
Severely chapped lips can be quite painful as well as embarrassing. Cold sores erupting on lips need to be dealt with vitamin E oil. Just massage the affected area with a few drops of this oil every now and then during the day. After a day or two, you will have your lips healed and soft.
Fades Birthmarks
Some folks have birthmarks on their faces and feel embarrassed by their presence. One natural method of reducing the prominence of the birthmark, is by application of vitamin E oil. Dab vitamin E oil on the birthmark before going to bed every night. Eventually, the shade of the birthmark will become lighter. However, as in the case of scars, this healing property of vitamin E oil has not been scientifically proven. But, there's no harm in giving it a try and seeing if it helps fade your birthmark.
Vitamin E is safe and there is no reason why one shouldn't try it. However, before applying it on the face, it's important to test it on the hand or elbow, to check for allergic reactions. Vitamin E works very slowly, thus, one has to apply it patiently for months together, before actually seeing results. Expecting a miracle overnight would be unrealistic.