What to Do After a Break Up

When it comes to coping with a breakup, people have their own takes. I have had a friend who hung her ex-boyfriend's photograph on the wall and loved shooting darts, slippers, stones, anything and everything that she could lay her hands on it! Now, I do not recommend going to such extremes to deal with a relationship break up!!! Instead, here are some positive suggestions...

What I mean to say is, throw away all those photographs, love letters, notes, gifts (not the expensive ones!), that remind you of your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. Remember "Out of sight, out of mind" does hold true! So, for surviving a break up, get rid of all the memories!

Give Yourself a Break!
The best thing to do after a break up is to go on a vacation. Now now now...do not choose a place where you and your ex have spend some happy times together! Instead, go to a place where you can have fun and perhaps be a bit adventurous. Why not go to a seaside where you can indulge in water sports? It will certainly help to keep your mind off your ex!

Not a fake one! A genuine, warm smile! Yep, smile at strangers, your colleagues and people close to you. Now is the time that you need friends more than anything else. And everybody knows that a positive, smiling and humorous person attracts much more people towards him than a morose, sullen one!

Talk to Friends!
Share whatever you are feeling with a close friend. After a break up, a part of you will be hurt, a part of you will feel cheated and a part of you will be angry and contemplating getting back at your ex! Let me tell you, having such thoughts and feelings is normal. So, share your grief and anger, it will definitely make you feel lighter and unburdened!

Focus on Your Work!
Focus on your work. Think about your situation this way - Maybe your relationship break up was God's way of signaling that you deserve much more in life! Maybe God wants you to be a really successful professional person! Now that you have time on your hands, with nobody pestering you with calls or expecting to hear from you, utilize this time in making a perfect career and some good money for yourself!

Stay Fit!
Moving on after a break up, and dating other people can become easier if you have a good body to flaunt! Particularly if you were in a serious relationship and had not been in the dating scene for quiet sometime. Even if your flirting skills have almost evaporated and need time to be brushed up, a fit and groomed body can in the meantime serve as a gal or guy magnet! So, make an exercise routine today. Join a gym and give at least an hour to your body! Do not forget to combine it with healthy eating! Good looks are no doubt a great self-esteem booster!

Start dating again! Just look at the happy couples (???) around you. Believe me, most of them are dead bored of each other! While you have an opportunity to lead an interesting life once again! So, date left, right and center! One caution though - do not fall in the trap of rebound relationships! Keep things cool for a long while, till your mind is settled completely!

While dealing with a break up, it is very important that you keep the bigger picture in mind! Remember the time when you were a kid playing in your school ground and suddenly you fell down. You cried, got hurt, maybe felt a bit embarrassed and even angry if somebody had pushed you! But what happened ultimately? You got up, got healed in a few days and were back again playing the game! So, there you go!

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