Children are born carefree and active. When it's fun time, they do not care for anything even if their clothes get torn, their hands get dirty or their hair gets messed up! With children becoming a mess by the end of the day, mothers find it very difficult to care and style their hair. The task becomes more challenging for mothers who have to deal with African-American hair, which are naturally coarse and brittle, and easily get tangled. Fortunately there are certain great African-American hairstyles that would not only give their hair a neat look but also style it up in a fashionable order.
Different Hairstyles for African-American Children
- Braids: Braid hairstyle is one of the most popular and logical hairstyle for young girls, as it gives them the freedom to play without their hair falling on the face. It not only gives a neat appearance but also prevents hair damage caused due to dust and entangling of hair. To braid the hair divide them into three parts - outer left, middle and outer right. Take the outer right bunch and lap it over the middle one so that it becomes the middle bunch and the middle bunch now becomes the outer right one. Now, take the outer left bunch and lap it over the middle one so that it becomes the middle bunch and the middle bunch becomes the outer left bunch. Repeat these steps till the length of the hair ends.
- Cornrows: Cornrows maintain a neat sporty reminiscent to a braid, but has a little more style added to it. It can be further pepped up with innovative parting styles, like zig-zag patterns, etc.
- Partial Cornrows: In this style, the hair is cornrowed from scalp to a certain length and rest of it is either tied up as a ponytail or could be further styled up using some hair accessories.
- Dreadlocks: With the sort of activities that children keep themselves busy with, giving them a Bob Marley look with dreadlocks, might not be very appealing to most of the parents. However, short dreadlocks suit some faces really well and looks cute on children.
- Twists: Though very simple, a few thick twists all over the head, secured with decorative clips, is another good way to give a cute look to your child. It is an easy alternative for elaborate braids.
- Style Up that Crop: Cropped hair has always been a hit with active young boys. However, the hair need not be of same length all over the scalp. A crop hairstyle can always be shaped and styled differently. For example, a boxier shape would be perfect for an oval or pear shaped face.
- Medium Curls: For boys this is an alternative for cropped hairstyle. Boys' hair can be kept a little long as compared to that in cropped hairstyle. However, the hair should be well conditioned to prevent it from getting entangled.
- Ponytails: This hairstyle is suitable for all lengths and textures, and can be worn by girls of all age.
Useful Tips for African Hair
Black hair are coarse and dry as compared to the Caucasian hair. It is very fragile and breaks easily if proper comb is not used. A regular hair care regime using correct hair care products can ensure healthy hair. The following tips can help to take good care of your angel's tresses.
- Use a wide toothed comb. Natural boar brushes are great for black hair.
- A moisturizing conditioner is good for black hair.
- Using natural oils can be helpful to moisturize hair.
- Use elastic bands instead of rubber bands to tie the hair.