Linda was devastated. It's been 3 months since she had broken up with her boyfriend of 5 years, but it seemed only yesterday. She had broken off all contacts with her friends and family, she no longer attended her classes, she had stopped socializing long back and she had even tried taking her own life. No matter what her parents or family said, she would not listen, all she craved for was to get back with Richard (her boyfriend). Like so many unfortunate young (as well as old) men and women in love, Linda was left with a broken heart which she thought, could never heal.
There are so many people out there like Linda, who are suffering from this major problem of a broken heart and relationship breakup. Not all are fortunate enough to have someone who will take away their heart and never break it. When you fall in love with someone, when you are in a relationship, the whole world seems to be a happy place. You cannot live without each other, all you can talk and think about is your special one and the pretty 'oh-I-am-in-love-smile', is always stuck on your lips. But hell breaks loose when the lovely couple breaks up. The aftermath of a breakup is sometimes worse beyond imagination. It's the girl who suffers the most after a breakup. The hearts of these lovers are shattered. And it remains like that until they either get back together or until they find someone who loves them more than the others did. Living with a broken heart, is painful. It is best that one learns how to mend a broken heart rather than live with it. One should learn how to move on and not cling on to the past. You have to know how to let go of the past. I know saying is easy, doing it is tough, but I am sure with the help of family and friends and a strong mind, you can overcome this.
Where and How to Begin
You have to be strong after you have had a break up. It is not the end of the world. You have to look forward to the future. You have to know how to move on after a break up. Maybe the future holds something better for you.
Laugh Aloud
Laughter is really the best medicine. It makes you forget all those bad times that you had. True, it will be difficult at times to laugh and smile, but try. You see, you will feel much better. Laugh like you have never laughed before.
Cry it Out
Wash away all those feelings, those sad feelings by crying out loud. Shout and let out your feelings and you will see that it will make you feel much better. It will wash away all the sad feelings and after a whole lot of crying, you will see things in a different light. Do not be ashamed to cry and vent out your feelings, both guys and girls.
The main thing that you have to do after a break up is, keep yourself busy, so that your mind is diverted from thinking about him or her. Pick up a hobby that is fun and that will keep you busy the whole day and also that will tire you. Do not give yourself even one chance to think about your ex girlfriend or boyfriend. The less you think about them, the easier it will be for you to get over them. However, don't jump into a rebound relationship.
Go shopping with your friends and get a whole new wardrobe. Get a makeover done, or maybe a new haircut. A new haircut always tends to boost a girl's confidence level. Just go and freak out with your girlfriends, girls and boys go out and have some 'guy' time with your friends.
Prayers and Help the Needy
Prayer is something that brings peace of mind. Whenever you feel that you are going deep into thoughts about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, just take a minute and pray to God. You will see, not only will it divert your mind, but it will also bring you inner peace. Also go out and help others who are in need. This surely helps in healing a broken heart, when you see their sweet, grateful smile. This is one of the best ways of learning how to get over a broken heart.
No Mails, No Memories
Delete all the mails and letters and gifts that you received from your ex. Do not try and call up your exes friends in order to know where they are or what kind of a life he/she is leading.
A New World
Go out and meet more people. Who knows maybe Mr. Right or Miss Right is right around the corner. Whatever your feelings are, talk about them with your close ones, but do not talk about it quite often as it is you who is going to feel bad. Also do not let the love in your heart die. Keep it for someone who deserves it. If God closes one door, He opens another.
Besides these steps, you also need to have a strong will power. Do not torture yourself for someone else. Remember, you deserve someone much better, because you are special. Now you know what your next step is, so what are you still doing on the bed with a bowl of ice cream and a box of tissues next to you? Go, call your best friend and hang out with them. You will feel better. Do let me know whether I am right or not.