Finally, you got the apartment of your dreams. Airy, spacious, and it also comes with an awesome view. But, having the apartment is not enough. You need to furnish it as well. After a hard day at work, you would not like to come back to a bare or semi-furnished apartment, would you? You would also not like to invite your friends or family over to a place, which consists of no furniture, no decoration, simply bare. Wondering how can you furnish your apartment in a way which you and your friends and family would love, and that too on a budget? Well! Given below is a checklist. Go through it carefully.
Apartment Furnishing Ideas
Before you start furnishing your apartment, there are certain points that you should keep in mind.
Use Measuring Tape: This is the most important point in the furnishing an apartment list. Before you get any furniture, take out your measuring tape and measure whether the furniture that you have in mind will fit or not. Measure the size of the doors, hallways and stairways to make sure that the furniture that you get, can pass through it. You don't want to fall in a situation like Ross in the series 'Friends' did when he had got a sofa that would not pass through his hallway and so he had to saw it through. So measure well and accurately before you go any further with buying your furniture. Imagine! Pushing and pulling a wardrobe up to the 5th floor only to realize that it does not fit through your door.
Keep it Few: Here's some important tips on furnishing a small apartment, always keep the number of furniture less. Do not cluster up your room. So before you buy your furniture, decide on what you need the most and also what will be space saving at the same time. So you might decide to buy the bed-cum-sofa set, so that during the evening you can sit there with your friends and watch TV and at night, just pull out the bed. You can also have the collapsible chairs which you can set up whenever you have guests. Don't buy things which you do not need. Keep it simple.
Reflect your Style: The way you are, your apartment should reflect your taste and your style. Do not go overboard with everything. So, now that you have a clear idea as to what kind of furniture or decor you want for your apartment, let's see from where you can get these furniture.
Buying Furniture
While buying the furniture, do keep in mind your budget. The cost will vary. If your budget is low, then maybe you can go for some second hand furniture. Read on for more options from where you can buy your furniture.
- One Person's Trash is Another Person's Treasure: The saying could not have fitted better. Some people sometimes throw away some good furniture. If you walk down your neighborhood street, you will find such furniture. Often you will find some furniture which needs just a little bit of repairing. Do not throw them away; use them.
- Family Heirloom: Visit the attic of your family home one day and you will find stuff, with which you can furnish at least half of your apartment, if not full. Maybe you will find your grandmother's coffee table, or your grandfather's couch. They had all been collecting dust these years. Pull them out and use them for furnishing your apartment. You might think that antique furniture may not go with your modern apartment, but trust me, it will.
- Flea Markets: Visit the garage sales or the flea markets and you are sure to get some furniture.
- Go Online: Sometimes you can even shop online for your furniture and other things. Some websites do offer discounts on these things.
- Defective Models: By defective I mean that sometimes some branded furniture is not sold as they might have a tiny little scratch or dent. Hence, they are sold off at very low prices. Thus, you get branded stuffs and that too at a very low price.
Total Cost
The cost depends on how you want to furnish it. If you want first hand furniture for your room, then of course the cost will be pretty high. But if you are on a budget that will be low, then you have to go for second hand furniture, or follow the concept of 'beg, borrow (and no, not steal)'. Then the cost would be pretty less, say maybe around $2500. Borrowing it from your family and friends will cost you nothing and if you are using the defective branded furniture, then maybe you just need to spend some for repairing it.
So, now that you have some idea about how you should go about for furnishing an apartment. Just follow the above apartment decorating ideas and impress all.