Having the perfect eyebrows is absolutely essential as eyebrows define your face. The first step is to find the best shape that will suit your face and the second step is to find the eyebrow hair removal technique that is best suitable for you. There are many ways of removing hair from your eyebrows to get the most flattering shape and you need to choose one according to your pain threshold and suitability.
Eyebrow Hair Removal Techniques
The different methods of eyebrow hair removal are tweezing, waxing, threading and laser. For people who have heavy growth and want to get their eyebrows shaped permanently, laser hair removal is a very good option. Laser hair removal cost anything between $340 to $500 dollars depending upon hair density. It is a relatively painless process and it is completed in 15 to 20 minutes. There is no recovery time required for this, and the person can expect some slight redness which usually subsides in a day or two.
A time tested and very popular method of eyebrow hair removal is tweezing. In this method first you should numb the area around your eyebrows by rubbing an ice cube. It is best to go for eyebrow tweezing just after you have had a shower as this help to soften the hair and as the pores are open, the hair comes out more easily. Now take a pair of clean tweezers and tweeze out any stray hair around the eyebrow. Pull the skin around your eyebrow taunt with the help of your thumb and middle finger. Hold the unwanted hair in your tweezer as close to the root as possible and pull it out. Always ensure that you hold the skin around your eyebrows as taunt as possible while you are tweezing so as to avoid getting hurt. Remember to pluck only in the direction of hair growth and if you want to shape your brows, do so by plucking out hair from below the eyebrow and not from above. To prevent any inflammation and to close the pores apply a mild alcohol free astringent around your eyebrows once you are done.
Waxing is also among one of the most preferred hair removal techniques. Although it is a painful technique the hair does not regrow for up to 3 weeks. The downside of this technique is that, the hair should be at least inches in length so that the wax can adhere to it. The wax should be first heated in a microwave or a double boiler. The hot wax should be applied on the area near your eyebrow with the help of a plastic spatula in the direction of hair growth. Apply a clean strip of cloth or waxing strip on the area where you have applied the wax. Now pull the cloth or waxing strip in one quick movement in the opposite direction. The wax and the unwanted hair will then come out on the waxing strip. If you are planning to do this at home, be careful to check the temperature of the hot wax before application as you might risk burning your skin.
Another very effective eyebrow hair removal technique that is fast gaining popularity is threading. This technique has been used for centuries in eastern countries, but now it is finding approval even in the west. In this technique a cotton thread in a twisting motion to is used to remove individual hair. It is a virtually pain free method if it is done by an experienced beauty practitioner. Shaping and sculpting of eyebrows can be done very precisely by threading. It is also a very quick method and you do not have to wait for hair to grow to a certain length before you can do eyebrow threading.
So, here were some different eyebrow hair removal instructions along with their pros and cons so that you can make an informed decision on what is suitable for you.