Arranging a party is an easy task if you just let your imagination loose and think a little out of the box. Winter party ideas need not be grand or expensive you can throw a soiree on a small budget also by using things around the house. Having games at your party is also a great way to get some adrenalin rushing in your guests. Just look at the demographics of your guests and arrange games accordingly. If you have lot of kids coming over, have games that will appeal to them and if you are having teenagers, arrange games that will suit their intellect.
A few other things to remember before we get around to some exciting ideas, are sending out clear invitations to the guests. List out things like dress code, timing and what they should expect at the party. Make sure you have adequate party supplies for the number of guests expected, for example, if it's a Christmas theme party and you are giving out Santa hats to your guests make sure everyone gets a hat.
Kids love superheroes and all things associated with them, use this as a central theme for your party ideas for kids. Visit your local store and get masks of superheroes for the number of kids that are invited to the party. If this is not possible get construction paper, print out faces of different superheroes from the Internet, stick them onto the paper and cut out opening for eyes and nose, use elastic threads to help the kids attach the mask to their face. Arrange these masks on the table and have paper chit under it requiring the kid to complete a task to make him eligible to wear the mask. You could list out simple tasks like fetching paper dishes from the kitchen to the party table.
Almost all kids at one point or other dream of flying, take this fantasy to the next level by arranging an astronaut theme party. You could probably rent out the same colored jump suits and helmets from the store and make paper tags with code names or numbers for all the invited kids. Send out party invitations with different code numbers which the kids will have to say when they arrive for the party. When the kids come and say the secret code in your ear, you hand them a suit corresponding to their code. Also keep some lego blocks around the party table requesting each kid to make something that resembles space travel.
Fun N Games
Teenagers are full of energy and the best way to entertain them and channel their energy is to have party games for your winter party. One of the fun games you could have is lemon and spoon with a modern-day twist. You know how teenagers are crazy about sending text messages to their friends, use this as a surprise element for the lemon and spoon game. When your guests come over, give them two chits of paper and ask them to write two short funny text messages on them along with their names and phone numbers. Collect these messages, fold them, and put them in big bowl. Now mark a start and finish line, divide the group into 3-4 contestants and get them on the start line with a spoon in their mouth balancing a lemon on it. Now ask them to pick out 2 chits from the bowl and blow the starting whistle. The participants will have to cross the finish line while texting their friends and balancing the lemon on the spoon.
Pirates of Caribbean
One of the most enjoyable and easy to arrange winter party ideas for teenagers is the pirate theme. It might sound clichd but your guest will have a lot of fun if you add some surprise elements to your theme. One of the most famous pirate ritual is walking the plank. Use this to spice up your party. Send out invitation requesting the guests to come dressed as pirates, keep some extra eye patches and pirate hats ready just in case someone turns up without following the dress code. Arrange a table in the middle of the room with a pair of dice and envelops marked with numbers. Each envelope will have a task that your guests will have to perform, for example someone rolls out six with the dice, have them open the corresponding envelope which has a task, say singing a song. The person has to sing this song and if the crowd appreciates the effort, then that person is safe. And if the effort isn't appreciated, the person walks the plank. Blindfold the person and have the person walk a plank attached to a bed or chair, make sure you take every precaution to avoid injuries, for example by arranging mattresses to break the fall.
Man vs Snowman
One of the best winter party theme ideas is to have a snowman party. This party idea for adults is especially appealing as this will bring out the child in them. Divide your guests in two equal groups, let the group decide whether they want to represent the snowman or the man. If team 'A' chooses snowman's hand, then tie a pillow to their belly with rope and hand the other team a pair of mittens. Arrange small articles on a center table and assign each team one table on which they will have to arrange articles brought from the center table one at a time. Blow the whistle and get team members from both the teams race each other one on one. This is a lot of fun to watch as team members with mitten struggle to pick up articles from the table and team members with pillows struggle to reach the articles on the table. To make things interesting, a fun party idea is to announce a secret prize for the winning team.
Elves and Fairies
If you want to make your loved one's birthday memorable, one of the fun winter birthday party ideas is having a congregation of elves and fairies at the party. You will not need many supplies, just rent some green coats, elves hats, wands and white flowing gowns. Arrange each of these in bags marked with numbers and wait for your guests to arrive. Once they come, ask each individual guest to pick a number and hand them a corresponding bag to the number they have picked. It will be great fun when they open their bags and some guys will find they have got bags with the fairy dress and wand. Insist they wear it, some girls will also end up looking like elves making the evening fun for everyone.
Use your imagination to come up with winter party ideas, make sure that you arrange something which your guests will like and not something that you like doing. To set the right tone for the party, have good music and food that everyone will enjoy.