These days models walking the ramps in fashion shows sport glorified belly button piercings, and they look so pretty and unique with their navel rings, that the general population has begun to follow the trend. However, while getting a piercing might only require some nerve, taking care of it afterward is another matter entirely. Though getting a belly button piercing may look cool, it is very important to know how to take care of the piercing so that it does not get infected. Piercing aftercare is not difficult at all, you just need to keep a few things in mind after you get your piercing done. If not, you run the risk of falling prey to certain infections, which are discussed in brief in the following paragraph.
Some of the infections that can be caused because of navel piercing are abscesses causing bacterial infections, which can lead to septicemia (infection of blood). If the piercing is done under unhygienic conditions, there is a risk of contracting infections like Hepatitis and HIV. Use of unsterilized needles can also cause swelling and scars around the pierced area. It is suggested that people with diabetes, hemophilia, and some heart conditions should avoid piercing as these conditions hamper the healing process.
To avoid all the complications resulting from infected belly button piercing, it is essential to take a few precautionary measures. While the cost is variable, and maybe cheaper in some studios, make sure that the studio you choose has a good reputation and is hygienic. Do not get your piercing done from a studio which uses a piercing 'gun', as the gun cannot be sterilized, and the risks of contracting infections is very high. Here are some more tips on navel piercing aftercare, so that your belly piercing does not get infected, and heals faster.
Keep the Pierced Area Clean
While cleaning the piercing, always use antibacterial soap to clean the pierced area. It is also essential to clean the pierced area at least twice a day. Avoid rigorous exercise, as sweat can cause bacterial infection. Soak the pierced area with salt water swabs, this expedites the healing process. Use only pure sea salts. Remember to wash your hands before touching the navel. Do not let any one touch, kiss or play with the pierced region as this might cause an infection.
Avoid Use of Beauty Products
Defer the use of cosmetics around the pierced region, do not use any body lotion, deodorant or other beauty products. Avoid sun bathing and the use of sun tan lotion,as this may cause irritation. Do not use public swimming pools or hot tubs after you have a body piercing. If you cannot avoid the use of public pools, use a waterproof Band aid to cover the pierced area.
Wear Loose Clothing
Wear loose clothing, as tight clothing may cause irritation and rash. Make sure you wear clean clothing, as germs from dirty clothing may cause infections. Refrain from wearing jeans, as the fabric may cause itching. Do not wear leotards, belts or pantyhose. Tight clothing causes friction which might lead to injuries as the navel skin is sensitive. Wear loose clothes which allow air to pass, as air helps the healing process.
Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine
Limit or stop drinking alcohol, as consumption of alcohol reduces the immunity of the body. Caffeine is also known to hinder the healing process, so limit your coffee intake as well.
Increase Vitamin Intake
The healing time is considerably reduced with the intake of multi-vitamin tablets. Look for OTC (over-the-counter) medicines which have Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc. Apply lavender and tea tree oils which are known to reduce the risks of anti fungal infections.
The healing period of a belly button piercing varies from individual to individual. It may take 2 - 3 months for some, while for others it may be as long as 12 months. Following the aftercare instructions given above will definitely help and speed up the healing process. The studio where you get your piercing done will give you a cleansing/healing gel which has to be used as prescribed. Belly button piercing care instructions are also given by the piercing studio; do remember to follow them. It is also recommended to use high quality stainless steel jewelry to avoid infection.
These were a few suggestions for aftercare, do consult your dermatologist before you get your navel pierced. We should not underestimate the risks of belly button piercing, and remember - cleanliness is the key to navel piercing aftercare.