Teens often feel very awkward while interacting with the opposite sex. It takes a lot of courage on their part to ask someone out on a date. And if the other person has agreed, the pressure to arrange for a fun date can become even more! On top of that, dating for teens, in some societies, may be not taken so well by their families. So how can a teen with his internal complexes and sometimes, outside family restrictions, ensure that he has fun on his date? Simple, by following the dating tips given below...
A City Tour!
Take a city tour together. On your date, visit some of the most fun places of the city that you live in, including the museums, parks, any historical places, etc. Taking a city tour will leave you enough time to know each other well.
Movie Date!
A movie date is the safest bet. It will never ever go wrong, provided you choose the movie in accordance to the interests of your date. The best part about a movie date is that you will not feel pressurized to make conversations and still enjoy each other's company while watching the movie together.
A Lunch or Dinner!
A lunch or a dinner is the perfect setting to talk to each other for a couple of hours, without getting distracted by anything else. So take your date out to a restaurant which has opened recently or to a place which is her favorite and enjoy talking over some good, scrumptious food!
Sporty Dates!
Most teens enjoy playing games such as bowling, ice skating, roller skating, etc. So you can have fun with your date by playing all such games together! In between, you can have an ice cream or go for a cup of coffee and chat endlessly, sharing your likes, interests and hobbies with one another.
An Adventure!
One of the most thrilling yet cheap date ideas is to go hiking or bike riding. You can arrange this adventurous date in any of the parks in your city which have nature trails. A good idea here would be to pack some good food (you can ask your mother to prepare it) and fruit juices in your backpack and carry them along. So you can go about having fun riding bikes and in between, stop for a special, surprise, home-cooked lunch, perhaps under the shade of a tree!
A Get-Together!
A get together is not exactly a date, still it is a good way to get introduced to someone you have been eying for a while but did not have the courage to go up to and ask for a date! So arrange for a get-together or a party at home and invite lots of your peers including that special someone. You can have a pizza party or even a pot-luck, wherein each of the guests gets a dish to eat and share at the party. To make the party interesting, play some good group games together such as "truth or dare", "dumb charades", "Chinese whispers", etc.
Nature Dates!
A date can become even more enjoyable if the setting is in the midst of nature. So go to a beach and enjoy watching the sun, sand and the waves. If you live near the mountains, go with your date to the mountain top and enjoy the view. Or you can even go to a park and enjoy a boat ride together. Nature dates are fun and with a good company, can indeed promise a great time!
In the end, remember that all dates are supposed to be fun. So do not unnecessarily feel burdened to always please your date. Take it easy, be yourself and communicate freely to enjoy the whole experience!