Facial piercings are an easy way of making a style statement. A single stud can turn you into a stud! It can make you look cool and slick. But as it takes a lot of pain to get a piercing done, facial piercings can make you look tough, and ensure that no one messes with you. And although there are many facial piercings for girls, now a lot of facial piercings for guys have come up, thus, making them a rage among the stronger sex.
Eyebrow Piercings: Eyebrow piercings do not have a specific location on the eyebrow. They can be done anywhere around the eyebrow. Eyebrow piercings can be done both vertically and horizontally. Anti-eyebrow is also considered an eyebrow piercing, though it is not on the eyebrow, but somewhere around it. If the body does not get used to the piercing, it starts pushing it out. This pushing out of the piercing is known as migration. Migration chances are high in eyebrow piercing. Sometimes, instead of pushing the piercing out, it may push it in the body. It is advisable to remove the jewelry if any sort of migration occurs. The best way to get eyebrow piercing done is by a professional piercer, and it is advisable to wear lightweight eyebrow jewelry. Eyebrow piercing should not be done with a piercing gun but by a piercing needle only. The most common eyebrow jewelry are eyebrow rings or barbells. There are tons of varieties available in both.
Tongue Piercing: Most of the guys find tongue piercing cool (even many girls for that matter!) Tongue piercing is normally done on the tip of the tongue. Lots of care has to be taken after doing a tongue piercing, or there is a possibility of contracting a tongue piercing infection. To avoid tongue piercing infections, follow some simple steps like, getting the piercing done by a professional piercer, cleaning the piercing regularly, avoiding touching the piercing etc.
Lip Piercing: Lip piercing includes various types of piercings. Labret piercing is the piercing done below the lip. It is generally in the center, below the lower lip line, so only a part of the piercing is visible. You can also have a vertical labret piercing done. Vertical labret is a piercing done starting from below the lower lip line and ending on the lower lip itself, thus, showing both ends of the piercing. If you want a piercing above the lip, go for a medusa piercing. It is a piercing that is done above the lip, normally in the philtrum. You can also opt for chin piercing as it always looks good on guys!
Septum Piercing: Another facial piercing is septum piercing. Also known as bull rings, septum piercing is done in the middle of the nose. Here, the septum that separates the two nostrils is pierced. Septum piercing can be painful, and takes 7-9 weeks to heal. Septum piercing has to be done by a professional.
Bridge Piercing: The piercing which is done on the top of the bridge of the nose is known as bridge piercing. It is slightly below the eyebrows or can even be between them. Bridge piercing is not as painful as septum piercing, and heals relatively quicker. The main difference between septum piercing and bridge piercing is that, bridge piercing is done on the nose whereas septum piercing is done through the nose.
Ear Piercing: Ear piercing is very common among girls but has also been gaining popularity as a facial piercing for guys. So nowadays, ear piercings look good on guys too! Ear piercing is the easiest and safest of all piercings. There is a lot of variety in men's ear jewelry. One can also go for ear gauges in ear piercing if they wish to increase the size of their ear lobe hole.
If you want to be the center of attention and are ready to try something really different, you can try cheek piercing. It will give you a dimply smile (a fake one, though!). For the overly adventurous guys, there is always uvula piercing. These piercings are sure to be head turners and thanks to them, people will be showering you with more attention than you can manage!
Care for Facial Piercings
Whichever piercing it may be, facial or body piercing, taking good care after getting the piercing done is of paramount importance. You cannot just do the piercing and then forget about it. If proper care isn't taken, the piercing may get infected, which can further lead to disastrous consequences. So here are a few tips to keep in mind to after getting a facial piercing done:
- Get the piercings done only by a professional piercer.
- All the piercings should be done only by piercing needles, as piercing guns can cause damage.
- Clean the piercings regularly using a good antiseptic solution.
- Remove the piercings immediately if rejection or migration occurs.