Did you know
Red hair strands are the strongest compared to other hair color strands!These days, you find many celebrities sporting different shades of red hair. In fact, Hollywood actress Emma Stone completely changed her natural blonde hair color to red. Orange, burgundy and copper are popular shades of red for coloring hair. Auburn and brown are also used by many.
Shades of Red

Ideas for Red Hair Coloring
There are many who think that coloring red hair is a tedious process. However, with these ideas you will find the task easy.
- The hair color used should be such that it enhances the appearance instead of completely changing it. Hence, use of dark shades is recommended for redheads who wish to color their hair. Shades of brown and black are best suited ones.
- Red hair requires special kind of chemical treatment, before it is colored; this is because it doesn't hold any other color that easily. One should avoid using temporary dye solutions. One should use quality hair dyes. A professional will help you get great results.
- Instead of just thinking about coloring the hair in shades of brown or black, the option of highlighting should be considered. Blonde highlights not only make the red hair appear attractive, but also preserve their natural beauty. The blonde highlights can turn orange if not applied correctly. It is better to leave the work of highlighting to professionals.
- One should also take into account the problems associated with dyeing or coloring the hair. For example, the roots of hair require regular touch-ups. Dyeing makes the hair dry and brittle. One has to wait for several years to get back the natural hair color after coloring them. You don't want to fret about your decision of coloring the hair later on. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the pros and cons of hair coloring beforehand.
Patch Test for Allergic Reactions
The patch test helps determine whether the use of a particular chemical can lead to allergic reaction. This test proves to be of great help when you are thinking about dyeing hair. You can avoid using hair dyes that have potential to harm the skin or hair. If you experience burning, itching or swelling of scalp during this test, then avoid using the hair dye product.
Did You Know?
- It is observed that red hair strands never turn gray. They transform into sandy strands before turning white.
- The redhead gene is found in 40% of Scotland's population.
- Winston Churchill, Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Jefferson and Galileo were amongst the famous redheads.
- Name of the country, Russia means the land of reds. This country is named after Rurik, a redheaded Viking.
Skin Tones and Hair Colors
The strawberry blonde hair color is best suited for redheads with fair complexion and pink undertones. Along with the strawberry blonde, light auburn is suited for those with a lighter skin. Deeper tones of red are for the olive skin tones. Such shades are also suited for those with darker skin tones.
Hair Coloring Tips
Enhancing the appearance of red hair rather than completely changing the color is a recommended practice.
- The first and foremost thing you should do is to check whether the hair color goes well with the complexion and eyes.
- Red hair is suited for those with blue and green eyes. These eye colors look even more prominent with red hair.
- Auburn is used for hair coloring in the winter months. In fact, most shades of red are specifically suited for cooler months.
- Chestnuts and auburn are the preferred shades of red.
- Redheads must avoid over-highlighting the hair.
- If you are confused about choosing the right hair color, then don't use shades other than auburn, copper or strawberry.
- These days, the natural-looking reds are in vogue. Shades of crimson are making way for these new tones of red.
Redheads generally face the problem of fading hair color. Leave-in conditioners are recommended for keeping the color and shine intact. In order to protect the hair from harmful sunrays, you should wear scarves. Since the red hair color oxidizes at a faster rate, this kind of hair is considered far more vulnerable. Avoid exposing hair to chlorine water as it can damage the hair. Glossing treatments once in 2 months also help maintain the color. Conditioning is also needed for preventing the red hair from becoming frizzy; it also prevents the hair from splitting. Washing the hair with cool water is recommended; it keeps the hair soft.
The percentage of redheads in the world is just 1-2%. Having naturally red hair is therefore, considered a rarity. Such hair color is mostly found among the Irish. So you are lucky to have red hair!