A broken heart, a chronic condition that must be dealt with by people of all ages, sizes and nationalities, at some point in their lives. Hearing that all too familiar line that has drowned itself in the sea of stereotypical cliches - "It's not you, it's me". If you're familiar with this sinking feeling, then you could do with some helpful advice about getting over him/her.
A relationship break up is not something that you can be prepared for, unless of course it was you who instigated it. In that case you do not need to know anything about getting over a break up as you probably had a good reason for doing so. But if you're the one who has been jilted, there are certain dos and donts that you must know about getting over a broken heart. By no means is it an easy task, but it is much easier if you don't isolate yourself, and learn to surround yourself with family and friends to help you feel better.
Things You Must Do
If getting over a break up was a task manageable on your own, you probably would not be reading this. Some break ups may give you a feeling of a burden being lifted from your life, whereas some may leave a feeling of emptiness. The kind of relationship you shared, the amount of time you were with your ex and the kind of person that you are, all play their part in how to get over a tough break up.
Quit Obsessing
How to get over a really bad break up is really all in your mind. The most important thing that you need to do is stop obsessing over what has happened, and what reasons led to this travesty. Throw this thought out of your mind, and watch how easy getting over a break up really becomes. The more you fill your head with thoughts about what went wrong and what mistakes you made, the harder getting over a broken heart will become. Clear your mind of all such thoughts, and look to better things in the future instead.
Clear Out the Old Stuff
The most common advice that you will receive from many different people, is to clear out all the stuff that reminds you of your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. Old photographs, gifts and other items that have anything to do with that individual must be discarded. The more things you keep with you that remind you of that person, the longer it will take you to get them out of your mind. If you do not wish to throw them away, give them to a friend instead.
The Beatles said it all when they sang they'll get by with a little help from their friends. So why can't you do the same? This is a time tested formula that is sure to succeed, come what may. How to get over a tough break up is made much easier if you surround yourself with friends. Go out with them, watch movies, shop, eat or sit at home and spend time together. Talk to them about your break up and trust that having them around will make getting over a break up a very quick and pain free task.
Get a Hobby
The secret is to keep yourself constantly occupied. Staying idle will lead your mind into thoughts about the past, and this is bound to make you sad. Find something that excites and interests you, and occupy yourself with it. Get a new hobby, pursue an existing hobby, start reading books, just about anything that will give you no spare time to wallow and feel sorry for yourself. The less time that you spend thinking about your broken relationship, the easier it will be for you. How to get over a really bad break up has many secrets that are not that hard to figure out, and once you have figured it out, they are impossible to forget.
Take a Trip
The best way to get over a break up is to take a trip somewhere. Getting away from familiar places and surroundings for a while will help you immensely. It is advisable not to take a trip alone though, as this could end up depressing you or even result in you hitting the bottle. But getting a change of environment is a surefire and proven solution. Going to the same places and seeing the same faces that you used to visit and see with your ex, can bring back some unpleasant memories that can make the whole process harder to deal with.
Follow these tips to keep a healthy frame of mind while getting over a break up, and things will be alright. Do not get too pulled down by morbid and depressing thoughts, and surround yourself with happy and cheerful people. Keep a positive frame of mind and have faith that you will bounce back from this setback.