Suburban Americans have landscaping bushes as one of their favorite hobbies. In the last few years many industries have come up that offers the service of lawn development and landscape design. Moreover, people have now become aware of the importance of the bushes for landscaping in developing a garden. But, sometimes the landowners are not aware of the options available and the various types of bushes that are best suited to beautify their garden.
Therefore, to landscape bushes people are either confused about getting the best bush for their garden or spent excess money in hiring a designer or consultant. Before landscaping it is a must to have a vision of how it will change the looks of your garden after the plants grow and bloom. The bushes grow for nearly 1 to 3 meters and act as an excellent cover to hide undesired views.
Bushes have many roles to play in the garden like providing a screen to the new flowering plants, for making a partition or reducing the access from all the sides and for division of the lawn in various sections. The choice of the landscaping bush depends on its purpose in the garden. For example, not all bushes can be used as a garden wall. Blooming rose-bush looks graceful along the path in its flowering season, but it cannot work as a garden wall. In a similar way, bright flowering bushes look beautiful in the beginning of the lawn or in the middle of the lawn. It also depends on the personal preference or choice as many garden owners prefer bushes blooming throughout the year and some prefer seasonal blooming bushes. For example, rose bushes give ample of opportunity to display the creativity. You can plant the rose bushes in a cluster or plant it with other bushes. Here, we have compiled a list of very common landscaping bushes for you to bring an end to your confusions.
Bushes Used for Landscaping
Adam's Needle Alpine Currant Alpine Currant - Green Mound Arborvitae Barberry - Concorde Bear-berry - Massachusetts Beauty Bush - Dream Catcher Berberis - Atro Nana Burning Bushes Butterfly Bush - Miss Ruby Butterfly Bushes Compacta Burning Bushes Coral Berry - Magic Berry Cotoneaster - Cranberry Deutzia - Chardonnay Pearls Dogwood - Arctic Fire Double Flowering Plum Dwarf Burning Bushes Elderberry - Black Beauty Euonymus - Blondy Evergreen Hedges Flame Amur Maple Flowering Quince - Texas Scarlet Forsythia - Fiesta Holly - Blue Princess Hydrangea - Annabelle Lilac Bushes Potentilla - Gold Privet Bushes Pussy Willow Red Twigged Dogwood Rose of Sharon Rose of Sharon Bushes Spice Bushes Spirea Bushes Weigela Bushes
One of the best ways to keep the landscape in a good shape is to prune regularly, which is also a must for other plants as well. The bushes grow very far if provided with proper nutrition. Pruning is required to give it a desired shape and to stop it from outgrowing the other plants. The pruning process is very simple, you just need to cut the stem after an interval during its growing season. It also adds to the density as well as the growing base of the plant. Those who think that to maintain a landscape is very difficult and a tedious job, but still want their garden to look attractive can go for small landscaping or flowering bushes/trees that are easiest to maintain and prune.
These beautiful bushes gives a vast opportunity to the gardener to design the garden. Apart from this, a meticulous care is required if you want your garden to look healthy and green. Proper care also maximizes the benefits of landscaping bush.