Oil Cleansing Method

Despair! This feeling of hopelessness surround us when skin disorders like acne fail to respond to expensive skin care products. Most of the facial cleansers are laden with synthetic chemicals that do more harm than good to the skin. No wonder, they do not help to cure or prevent skin problems. These so-called organic products rob the skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and prone to acne breakouts. So, we need to find a treatment method that keeps the skin moisture intact. Oil cleansing method could be the answer to resolve common skin problems.

Skin problems like acne are often the result of excess production of sebum (oil). The sebaceous gland found below the skin produce sebum to keep the skin from becoming dry. However, when the skin is stripped of its natural oils due to usage of harsh cleansers and soap, it triggers sebum secretion in excess amounts. Too much sebum blocks the skin pores that eventually create an environment conducive for formation of pimples and blackheads.

Oil Cleansing Method for Skin Problems

In order to implement this skin care routine, firstly it is necessary to prepare a mixture of skin friendly oils. They are castor and extra virgin olive oil. Castor oil gets easily absorbed into the skin and wipes away the bacteria responsible for causing acne and blackheads. On the other hand, extra virgin olive oil is an excellent source of antioxidants as well as acts as a good moisturizer.

The concentration of each oil in the mixture will depend on the dry skin and the type of skin that is being treated. For instance, if the mixture is being used on oily skin or in the treatment of acne, then around 1/4th of the mixture will contain extra virgin olive oil and the rest comprises castor oil. One can also make oil mixture by combining castor and extra virgin olive oil in equal amounts.

Once, you have prepared according to your skin type, it is time to massage it on the affected area. With soft hands, rub it on the acne prone skin. Continue massaging until the mixture is completely absorbed. It will take a minute or two for the mixture to get absorbed into the skin. Now, cover the face with a moderately hot or warm damp washcloth. Remove the washcloth after it has cooled down. The hot temperature of the cloth helps to unblock the skin pores, thus allowing the castor oil to penetrate the skin. This helps to remove the dirt and bacteria from the blocked pores. When the moist cloth cools down, remove it. Use yet another dry wash cloth to wipe away the remaining oil on the face. You can gently wash your face in warm water to ensure that oil does not remain on the skin.

Just one session of oil cleansing method might not be enough to eliminate acne or to keep skin problems at bay. So, undergoing multiple sessions is essential to get the desired result. Thus, one can repeat this procedure 4-5 times in a day to improve appearance of skin and prevent acne breakouts in future. Also, after every session, do not forget to wash the area with cold water. This assists to reduce the size of the pores.

Why it Works

The main reason behind development of acne is sebum. This happens because the skin appears excessively dry. In order to ease dryness of skin, oil is being produced in large amounts. However, this activity clogs the pores, which creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. This eventually leads to acne formation that is visible in the form of pimples. However, as the method involves external application of the right type of oil everyday, the dryness in skin improves gradually. This in turn helps to stop excess production of oil from the sebaceous glands, thereby allowing to heal acne naturally.


This method that helps to clear away skin problems has garnered positive reviews. Customer feedback is encouraging, which is a testament to its effectiveness in improving skin texture and eliminating acne. Large cystic bumps have also responded quite well to this method. Some reviews also indicate that oil cleansing method with 100% jojoba oil also works to keep the skin healthy. Some have got success by using a blend of castor and sweet almond oil. From reducing skin inflammation to getting rid of blackheads, oil cleansing method certainly work to maintain the natural glow of the skin.

Unlike skin care products or other treatment methods that dig a deep hole into your pocket, this skin-nourishing method is affordable and most importantly it works to restore youthful appearance of the skin. So, the next time you purchase those facial cleansers and soaps from the market, think twice before using them as there are better alternatives to promote skin health.

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