First date is a moment which is never forgotten, even if it is the most silliest one! The excitement, the anxiousness and the sheer joy of the first date cannot be compared to any other dates! And that's the reason why one strives to make it completely perfect. And a good dress plays an important part in making it perfect, after all as the cliche goes, 'first impression is the last impression'! And as everyone knows this fact, there is much hullabaloo while deciding a dress which can make him/her come on her/his knees!
Tips to Remember Before Choosing a Dress
There are a few things on which your dress for the first date depends.
- Firstly the time and the place. This simple rule applies to any occasion. A dainty black dress won't be suited for lunch and a pair of shorts won't look good for a candle lit dinner! So first be sure of the venue and time and decide accordingly.
- It's your first date, so it natural for you to feel butterflies in the stomach. Do not add to your nervousness by wearing something that you don't feel comfortable in. This is not the time for trials.
- Don't be too conscious about your dress. If you keep on stretching or pulling your dress, not only will you feel doubly nervous, but you will also divert your attention to the unwanted part only!
- Let the makeup be subtle, in accordance to the attire. Even if you are going for an evening date, do not apply very heavy makeup. You obviously don't want to scare off your boyfriend with a shop of colors on your face!
What You Should Wear on a First Date
I am sure you must have heard a lot about the extremely popular famous black dating dress. You may be wondering, if this is your chance to flaunt it! But remember, it is for the evenings, especially the classic dinner dates. Minimal accessories with a pretty clutch and colorful scarf or stole is all you need to impress your Mr. Right!
What to wear on a first date is an intimidating question as they are not so used to spending time on dressing as girls. And I won't be completely wrong, if I say that girls are more careful in case of dressing than guys. Guys often tend to forget the time and venue while dressing and often end up in their favorite pair of jeans! Of course there is nothing wrong in it, if it was daytime. For evenings, a classic suit in the classic colors gray or black is perfect. Dark pants and a classic shirt will also suit the occasion.
If you are the one who finds all these evening gowns and mini skirts uncomfortable than just don't wear them! If you are going for a day time date, a casual black jeans, the figure fitting ones with a scintillating off-shoulder cardigan will have the same effect as the black dress! This was for the day time date. For evenings you can go for silk dress with heels and a pretty purse.
For a brunch or coffee date, guys can go for their normal jeans and casual t-shirt or canvas pants with a full-shirt with clean pair of socks and shoes. For evening, a formal shirt always looks good.
Now that you know what to wear on a first date, you should be able to dress without any ado. Whatever you wear, just be confident enough to carry it. All the best!