Advice for Teens on Romantic Relationships

A common belief of adolescent romantic relationships is that they are shallow, short-lived and not influential. Contrary to the assumption that teenager boys are not emotionally involved, they are found to be more vulnerable in a relationship than girls. The only thing is that boys do not know how to express their emotions, which is why their girlfriends often misunderstand them. Here is some advice on teenager romantic relationships.

Are You in Love

It is a common query whether you are in love or not. The answer is very tricky, as what you feel like love may be just an infatuation to the other person. Some signs of true love are trusting your partner, feeling good by being yourself and telling the truth and being honest to your partner, whatever the circumstances may be. Being in love, your first priority is to fulfill the wishes of your partner, rather than fulfilling yours. Real love is long-lasting and becomes stronger with time.

Parents and Partner

There may be situations, when you like a person deeply and your parents are against the relationship. In such a case, it is you who has to decide whether you want to continue the relationship or take a step back. Before taking any crucial or drastic step, talk to your parents and analyze the reasons for their disapproval. There are possibilities that your parents see something in your partner that you didn't notice or maybe your parents are just overreacting. Take the right decision because at the end of the day, you will be the one who will be getting hurt, either ways.

Understanding Jealousy

Jealousy is a normal emotional threat that is not at all bad. However, it may be a reason of a breakup, if not handled properly. They may be problems, if jealously overcomes trust in a relationship. When such an issue of jealousy arises, think from your partner's perspective and try to calm down; maybe he/she has innocent reasons that are misinterpreted. Before getting jealous, try to know and understand your partner. This way, your romantic relationship will grow stronger.

Liking Someone

If you like someone, who doesn't know you or who doesn't feel the same way as you do, then it is called a one-sided crush. Though there is no magic spell to make that person like you, there is always a possibility. Anyway, there is a saying 'never give up in life'. What you can do is create opportunities, so that you can meet the person frequently. Don't overdo anything, otherwise he/she will come to know your intentions and simply turn away. Try to communicate and know the likes and dislikes of each other. This way, you two can start dating and experience the wonderful feeling of a romantic relationship.

Different Ages

Though there is a saying that 'opposites attract', it is not true every time, especially in case of different ideas, emotions and/or feelings. Imagine a guy of 21 years dating a 16 year old teenage girl. The situation is quite understandable, the guy will speak about marriage, settlement and future plans. What about the girlfriend, she may not be interested about such topics, rather she would like to experience some exciting opportunities in life. In such a case, open communication is the perfect solution. It is always better to break a relationship in the initial stages.

Pros and Cons

While speaking about teenager romantic relationships, we cannot neglect the pros and cons. Very often, we hear on news channels or read in newspapers about dating violence or abusive relationships. According to studies conducted, it is found females aged between 16 to 24 face physical violence during the early stages of a relationship. It is stated that 20 to 30 percent of teens in romantic relationships suffer psychological abuse, either verbally or emotionally. In order to avoid such issues, there should be proper understanding and communication between the parents and their teenage child. Parents should give relationship advice to their wards.

Healthy adolescent relationships can have certain positive values. A healthy relationship is characterized by open communication and trust. Though adolescent relationships or teen dating are often neglected, it is interesting to know that such relationships help in the overall development of the teenager boys and girls as youths. The adolescent romantic relationships often have long-lasting effects and help in providing emotional support, developing self-esteem and personal identification values.

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