Whether you're in a bar, coffee shop, at a party, in a club or any other social hot spot, you're going to be surrounded by girls. Lots of them. The problem with walking up to one, is not knowing whether she's single or taken. What if her guy is hanging around close by? What if he pops out of nowhere and knocks the daylights out of you? I guess it's all about taking a chance when you initiate your move.
There's no better way to find out if she was worth walking up to or not, unless you actually go up to her. Once you get her comfortable through light conversation, you can then try a few cutesy or impressive lines that will leave her interested.

Cool Pickup Lines to Use on a Girl

Before you use any of these lines, ask yourself what your prime motive is - is it a casual fling? Or are you genuinely looking for friendship or possibly commitment? Once you sort your purpose out, make your move. Some girls will be offended if you're too direct, so take a cue from things like what she's wearing and body language, to get a sense of what kind of person she is. If she's all alone at a party or club, it's a stark sign that she's looking for someone to leave with. Then again, don't be too sure that she's alone or not waiting for someone to arrive. Hold on for a bit and observe her every move, then approach her with confidence and poise, with the following nice things to say to a girl.

You are a seriously good cook. Why don't you open your own bakery? I'd be your number one customer. (At a bake off)
I noticed that you've been sitting here all alone. Mind if I buy you a drink? (At a bar)
Care if I join you? I promise I'll be pleasant company. (At a coffee shop)
Is this seat taken? I don't like sitting alone for long train rides. (On a commute)
You look familiar. Have we met? I'm a good friend of the host. Nice to meet you. (At a friend's party)
You are too darn pretty to be sitting at a bar all alone. Next round is on me. (At a bar)
That's a good book. I recently finished reading it myself. Mind if I sit down? (At a library)
It's cold outside. I could give you a lift if you'd like. Don't worry, (friend's name she's familiar with) is coming along. (Leaving a friend's party)

Can I interest you in some Napa Valley wine? Trust me, it's really good. (At a fine-dining restaurant)
How about joining us for a ski trip next weekend? My family and some close friends will be going. (At a wedding reception)
Hey, would you like to go ahead? I don't mind waiting for someone like you to finish. (Line at the ATM)
Here, take my umbrella. Wouldn't want you to ruin that gorgeous hair. (On a rainy day)
Hey, you're a Lakers fan? That's crazy! Would you like a beer? (Watching a game in a pub)
That's weird, I dreamed of you last night. We were having pancakes for breakfast. How about we make that dream come true? (At a caf)
Sorry, but I get really nervous around beautiful girls. But I'm glad I came up to talk to you. (At a friend's party)
Is that your boyfriend over there? He sure is one lucky guy. (At a bar)
I play in a band. Not the geeky sort, we're pretty good. I'd like to play for you sometime. (At a concert or music festival)

Hey, would you like to join us for a game of volleyball? (At the beach)
I have a thing for brown-eyed girls. I couldn't help but take a closer look. (At a party)
It's really crowded in here. Want to get out of this place for a bite? (At a club)
Okay, I admit. I've been looking at you all night, wondering if you would agree to dance with me. (At a wedding reception)
We'll do whatever you want. Just pick the place and time and I'll be there. By the way, I'm (your name). (At a friend's party)
You are way too fun to be here. Let me take you out for a real date. (At a boring event)
Come on, have one more tequila shot. Live a little! (At a bar)
What if you had 24 hours to live, how would you spend it? My first thing would be to take you out on a date. (At a party)
I've never met someone I was so in sync with. Let's talk some more over coffee tomorrow? (At a museum / art gallery)
Take my seat. But first you'll have to agree to have dinner with me. (On a commute)
Let's do dinner and a movie. I promise I'll try to behave. (At a friend's party)
Some of these pickup lines may sound corny, but trust me, they're going to work if you know how to deliver them. Some girls may be outrightly rude, but don't let that get you down. Don't come off as a weird, desperate guy in need for something hot and heavy, especially if you get the feeling she's the nice sort. A girl who's worth pursuing should be approached by a gentleman, not someone she instantly knows she cannot trust.