These days, making a relationship succeed is indeed a big challenge. This is mainly due to the varied nature and way of thinking of people. The way people look at relationships is different and understanding each other perfectly is necessary. However, if our partner wants to have a relationship break up forever, we must be aware of the same to reduce the mental stress. The signs for when he wants to break up can be many, but the ones listed below will help you to understand things better.
He Ignores You
This is one of the most important signs boyfriend wants break up. Whenever a person does not like someone, he will try his best to ignore him completely. Instead of directly saying that he is not interested in you, he will not respond to your calls and questions. By doing so, he expects that you understand that the relationship is over and he is not keen to meet you again. So, if you observe these signs frequently, you need to get over your current relationship.
He Talks Rudely
Consistent rude and arrogant behavior is also one sign he wants to split. Any person who loves you would not use bad language to hurt you and will take care that he keeps you happy all the time. His rude behavior may be when you are together or even in front of other people. However, if you observe such behavior patterns in your boyfriend, then the chances of him keen to quit the relationship are more.
Lack of Respect Towards You
One of the most vital signs that indicates that he wants to break up is lack of respect shown towards you. The success of any relationship depends on whether you show respect to your loved one or not. So, if you observe that he has lost respect for you in the recent times, then it might be an indication that he wants you out of his life. Also, it would be very difficult for you to continue a relationship in which your partner does not give you importance and preference in life.
Does Not Keep his Promises
Not keeping promises can be one of the sure signs he wants to break up. In a committed relationship, we expect our partner to fulfill the promises which he gives as an indication of love. However, consistent failure to do so can be an indicator that he is no longer interested in you. This is indeed one of the signs of a bad relationship which you should not ignore for your own good.
He is Close to Someone Else
Proximity to some other woman can also force you to rethink whether to go on with the relationship or not. Most men keep their girlfriends completely unaware of what's exactly going on in the mind and they do whatever comes to their mind without thinking much of how it can affect the person who loves them. So, if he is more involved with some other woman, then it will be warning sign for you that the relationship is on the verge of a break up. You should know when is it time to break up if his attitude towards you does not change.
These are some of the signs he wants to break up that you should consider seriously. Though these are the commonly observed signs, they may not be true for all the cases. It may be possible that your boyfriend likes you even if he gets angry or frustrated with you due to some reasons. So, the best thing to do is directly communicate with him to know his mind. Lack of communication has ruined many relationships and you should not let this happen to you. Consulting an expert for relationship advice is also a good idea. So, think over this point and take the right decision. Good luck!