Foods that are Good for Your Skin

Don't all of us just desire that flawless, spot-free skin that is sported by models world over? Not a blemish, neither a spot, nor a stretch mark, and definitely no cellulite: all these characteristics define skin that is beautiful and exactly what all of us want. There is a very old saying, you are what you eat, and nothing could be truer when it comes to the quality of our complexion. The kind of food we eat (read: deep-fried and junk food) more often than not, can result in acne breakouts, dry or oily skin, or simply skin that looks dull and lifeless. On the other hand, by including some very important foods in your diet, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, you can assure yourself that you will have the kind of beautiful skin you seem to be seeing on everyone else, except yourself. Here's a list of these foods that are good for your skin, based on the important food groups they belong to.

Foods that Give you Clear, Glowing Skin

The kind of food that is good for your skin and your body, in general, is not difficult to find. Moreover, these may be foods you consume regularly, but because of the inclusion of several additives such as oil, sugar, salt, butter, cheese, etc. these foods become less effective in keeping your skin glowing and healthy. As such, combine the following foods in a manner that will keep your body healthy and your skin looking bright and gorgeous. The foods mentioned below will work best when consumed with as little additives as possible.

Foods for Healthy Skin Benefits for Skin
Salmon Rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, salmon is a great food that helps the skin develop elasticity and prevents it from becoming dry.
Turkey Turkey is another form of lean meat that provides a host of health benefits including those for skin. Rich in iron, zinc, selenium, and B-complex vitamins, it is one of the important foods you should include in your diet to make your skin healthy and glowing.
Tuna, Sardines, and Mackerel All these types of fish are oily fish that consist of essential fatty acids just like those in salmon. However, remember not to consume the tinned varieties as they are excessively high in sodium which can be unhealthy.
Eggs Though not exactly meat, eggs are a non-vegetarian food but excellent source of skin proteins that help repair damaged skin cells to reveal beautiful, glowing skin.
Sweet Potatoes Yes these are rich in carbohydrates, but they consist of several other nutrients they are usually not given credit for. The beta-carotene in sweet potatoes helps keep the skin smooth, soft, and protected from harmful UV radiation. Also rich in vitamin-C, these can keep your skin looking young by preventing wrinkles and dark spots.
Greens Vegetables Leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, and kale are all rich in vitamin A that is essential for skin elasticity. These vegetables have also been found to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer. Further, broccoli, cucumbers, green peppers, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts consist of vitamin C, another important nutrient for skin.
Carrots Another important source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, carrots must be included in this list of foods for clear and healthy skin.
Tomatoes Tomatoes are great for skin not only when consumed but even when applied. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, tomatoes are the perfect foods for those of you who are prone to acne problems.
PapayaAnother fruit simply perfect for great skin is papaya. Not only is it rich in vitamin A, it has the ability to clear the body of unhealthy toxins that weaken the skin and make it prone to several skin problems.
Berries Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, are all great varieties that are powerful antioxidant sources keeping the skin glowing and protecting it from harsh diseases that can affect it badly. Combine these foods with plain, low-fat yogurt for a healthy snack.
Peaches, Kiwi, and Oranges Only more sources of vitamin C, these must be included in your diet for healthy skin. Combine them together to enjoy a delicious fruit salad and watch your skin glow over time.
Avocados A vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K, and oelic acid, avocados do wonders for the skin by making it elastic.
Plums Plums and prunes (dried plums) are packed with antioxidants necessary for clear skin. They also consist of vitamin C, a necessary nutrient for great skin.
Olives Ever wondered how the Greeks have such gorgeous skin? It is because they consume olives regularly, that is packed with vitamin E, a very important nutrient for skin health. Consume olives and extra-virgin olive oil in their raw form for best results.
Nuts and Seeds
Almonds and Walnuts While the former is an excellent source of vitamin E that prevents skin collagen from breaking down, the latter is a source of omega-3 that enables the skin to be soft, smooth, and clear. Moreover, these benefit the body in a lot more ways.
Flax Seeds Another vegetarian source of the omega-3 essential fatty acids, these are perfect for your desirable skin. Grind these in small batches and consume a teaspoon with water once in the morning and at night. Refrigerate the remaining amount in an air tight container.
Soy Nuts Soy consists of healthy skin proteins that prevent skin damage, while also enabling the growth and development of healthy skin cells.
Milk The power of milk for healthy skin cannot be undermined. Low-fat milk, soy milk, or goat's milk are all great for skin as they are rich in proteins.
Cottage Cheese A healthier variety of cheese, cottage cheese consists of selenium, an important mineral necessary for the development of healthy skin cells.
Yogurt Packed with proteins, vitamin D, and vitamin A, yogurt is a perfect food to include in your skin diet. Enjoy the low-fat but unflavored varieties for best results.
Green/White Tea Antioxidant powers couldn't be greater than those found in both green and white tea. Two cups a day will keep your body clean and your skin clear. It is perfect for those of you who are prone to acne.
Water The best drink to flush your body of toxins, probably all doctors have stressed on the importance of drinking lots of water in a day. 8-10 glass of water is a minimum that you should consume. Combined with the aforementioned foods, you will see how your skin clears out and starts looking flawless.
Fresh Fruit Juices Though the fruit is preferred to its juice, some health experts suggest drinking fresh fruit juices such as orange juice, pomegranate juice, or prune juice for clear skin.

While you include these foods that are good for your skin in your diet, remember to avoid those that aren't. These include beverages rich in caffeine (read: tea, coffee, soft drinks), processed and packaged foods, deep-fried foods, those loaded with cheese, butter, and heavy red meats. Remember to exercise, as it contributes to the glow of your skin and keeps it looking younger for longer. Do not forget your regular skin care routine, and keep it protected by using a sun-screen, and following the cleansing, toning, and moisturizing routine.

Before we leave, keep in mind that consuming these foods will not give you instant results. You will have to make them a part of your diet and will see the results in the long run. However, also note that these are unfailingly some of the best foods that you can consume for that desirable skin you have seen only models sport!

Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert advice.

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