Types of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used for skin treatment and it has become a very popular option for skin rejuvenation because of its effectiveness. There are arguments about chemical peel side effects, however, it is an option that is used by many who have skin problems such as wrinkles, skin discoloration, fine lines and for a common problem like acne, chemical peels are highly suggested by dermatologists or skin experts.

Now although we are not certain of the side effects that these chemical peels may cause, using an inappropriate chemical peel may be ineffective or may even cause damage to the skin. So it is very important to understand the different types of chemical peels available in the market and also to take an advise from a dermatologist to check if it's suitable for your skin type and whether the application of it may harm your skin in any way. Taking this measure will not only convince you but will also ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. So let's move on and take a look at how these chemical peels are different in nature and how are these classified.

Different Varieties of Chemical Peels

Phenol Chemical Peels
Phenol is an extremely strong chemical solution and therefore, it makes for a deep skin peel. Phenol chemical peels are said to produce amazingly great results. Phenol peels have the potential of not just treating the minor skin problems or imperfections but they are also known to be very effective in the removal of precancerous skin growths and also for the permanent removal of wrinkles on the face. Phenol chemical treatment takes longer duration than any other treatment as it has a deep effect and the person undergoing this treatment also requires to be given a local anesthesia for the same. The recovery time is also longer for this deep skin peel along with the medication for the pain.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid Chemical Peels
Also known as AHAs, they are used as a mild chemical peel formula and are appropriate for the treatment of skin imperfections such as fine wrinkles, acne, dry patches on the skin and uneven pigmentation. As it produces lighter peels, the person undergoing the treatment does not require to be given anesthesia. The most common AHA used for this skin treatment is the glycolic acid. Many treatment sessions or sittings may be required to attain the desired results in case of this chemical peel as this peel is mild in nature.

Trichloroacetic/TCA Chemical Peels
TCA is one of those peels that can produce medium to deep peels depending on the level of its concentration which means that an increase in the concentration increases the depth of the penetration. Wrinkles and fine lines, sun damage, acne scars are some of the skin imperfections that can be treated with these peels. As the treatment may cause a stinging sensation on the skin for a couple of days, over-the-counter medications may be prescribed for the pain and skin irritation but the patients undertaking this treatment in most cases do not require to be given anesthesia. The recovery time for this type of chemical peels treatment is approximately one week and the results are better than other lighter peels.

Jessner's Chemical Peels
Jessner's chemical peel formula is named after the German-American dermatologist who developed it, Dr. Max Jessner. It is chemical peel that is made of a variety of chemical solutions and although it is mild in nature producing lighter peels, it is stronger than alpha as well as beta hydroxy acid chemical peels. The combination of chemicals includes salicylic acid, lactic acid and resorcinol. This treatment is normally advised to those who do not get positive results with an AHA chemical peel. Like many others it also does not require the use of anesthetics and only requires a week to recover after the treatment.

Beta Hydroxy Acid Chemical Peels
Salicylic acid is the commonly used beta hydroxy acid used in chemical peels for face. Salicylic acid has properties of controlling oil and therefore, it is not just used to treat acne but they are also used in many acne products. It offers a deeper chemical peel and also has better and long-lasting results as compared to a much lighter chemical peel such as the glycolic acid. With a short recovery time this treatment is apt and effective for mild skin resurfacing purposes and may also help to remove acne scars. Although this is an effective treatment, it may be required at regular periods in order to maintain healthy skin.

So these were the different chemical peels that are used by dermatologists and plastic surgeons for the treatment of a variety of skin problems and imperfections. Before undertaking any of the above mentioned treatments, one must take an expert advice.

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