Beauty queens have a lot to do other than being beautiful. A beauty pageant isn't about walking the ramp in the skimpiest of clothes and sporting a million dolor smile. It's about cracking the tough round of questions and answers with conviction in pageants. It's a woman's world out there. And it's a question of beauty with brains. A beauty queen is less of drama queen and more on Ms Congeniality, when it comes to public speaking. Here are few beauty pageant interview questions and expected answers so that you don't have to think twice before you speak.
Sample Questions and Answers for Beauty Contest
If women were to rule the world by 2050, how different would the world be?
Women have always been the rulers. However, by 2050, as the world would acknowledge it, there will be peace and sensitivity, as women are personification of love and compassion.
Which quality of women gives them an edge over men?
The quality to create and nurture the creation with tolerance, love and patience gives women the edge over men.
How would you change the world if you were to play God for a day?
Actions speak louder than words. I would act to uplift thoughts and sentiments of mankind and the change will follow automatically.
Do you think that the youth today faces more pressure than the previous generation?
Yes. Definitely the youth today faces much more pressure than the previous generation. However, it is this pressure that has led so many countries to develop for better.
In what role does a man add most to a woman - father, son or a partner?
As William Shakespeare once said, the world's a stage and we are all actors playing our roles. Thus, a man in his every role is fulfilling his duties in life. He becomes a father, son or a partner only with a woman, who makes him complete and he in return makes her complete.
Do you prefer a love marriage or an arranged marriage?
I strongly believe in love marriage. Marriages are not made in heaven. They are made here, on Earth by confirming a compatibility for life.
Tell me something about yourself.
I am an embodiment of a new meaning of life. My purpose here, is to find the meaning and to fulfill it. This platform is one of my steps towards reaching my goal for this destiny, which I will decide.
Do you consider yourself to be a giver or a taker? Why?
By the virtue of being a woman, I consider myself to be a giver as well as a taker. As a woman, I am bestowed with the power to create nature by taking a part of it. This is the beauty of femininity.
What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why?
The biggest problem faced by our educational system is that it believes it's a system. A system is a set arrangement of things. However, education means to impart knowledge by giving and taking to empower the uneducated. This has been forgotten in the process of being a system, which needs to learned once again.
Tell me about a recent goal you accomplished.
As I, stand here, in front of you, while the whole wide world is watching over me, I am proud to say that this is my recently achieved goal, with many more in store.
What is your definition of success?
My definition of success is when my conscience agrees with the time, effort, money and emotions spent on achieving the goal till the end of it and allows to me sleep peacefully at night.
If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose and why?
I would choose Vogue as it has been, for me, a celebration of womanhood, a trend setter, a style guru, an example of top-notch reporting and personification of high standards of living and above all perfection.
Who is your role model?
My role model is me, because for me everyday is an endeavor to do better than yesterday.
What do you expect to gain by participating in pageants? Why?
By being a part of these beauty pageants, I expect to gain an opportunity to discover my strengths and perfect them, realize my weaknesses and transform them into strengths and take home the crown.
Beauty pageant questions and answers are meant to judge the strength of your character and personality. These pageant questions and answers are your first chance towards making an impression on the public at large. They build confidence in you by bringing out the best in you. To conclude, answering questions is not difficult. It is about being honest to yourself at the given moment and recapitulating your goals. Good luck Beauty Queen!