A blister is an area on the skin where the uppermost skin layer (epidermis) separates from the middle layer (dermis). A clear fluid, called serum, develops and fills this gap. It is followed by the regrowth of epidermis from beneath. Formation of blister is actually one of the results of some sort of defensive activity carried on by your body against a harmful foreign body. Thus, there can be several factors that may cause blister on lip.
Causes of Blister on Lips
If you suffer from recurrent episodes of blister on lip, you may witness its onset while going through a stage of weak immunity. A virus, called herpes zoster, resides in the nerve nodes of such individuals. It stays till it finds the conditions in the body favorable for its growth and reproduction. The virus travels through the nerve to the skin (here lips) and causes the formation of blisters. Such a condition develops when your immune system gets weakened. It may occur when you go through a stage of physical or emotional stress. The other reasons behind the formation of blisters include injury to the mouth, excessive exposure to sunlight, extreme cold or hot temperatures and hormonal imbalance occurring during menstruation and pregnancy. Blister on lips may also occur by skin trauma caused by shaving, microbial infection, respiratory illnesses and food allergies.
Home Remedies for Blister on Lips
You may try the following ways for healing blister on lip.
- Take an ice cube and rub it on the blister on lip. If you do it as soon as you feel the tingling or burning sensation, you may prevent the growth of blister.
- Aloe vera has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Application of its pulp on the blister is one of the best known cure for blisters caused by a wide range of factors.
- Try to lead a stress free life as much as possible. You may take help of yoga and meditation to relieve yourself from mental strain.
- Protect your lips from over exposure to sunlight. To be on the safer side, wear a lip balm containing zinc oxide or some other compound that may act as sunscreen.
- Place a moistened tea bag on the blister. Tea contains tannin, which is an alkaloid that is known to ease pain.
- Use a soft bristle brush for cleaning your teeth. This will minimize the chances of any trauma to lip that might occur during teeth brushing.
- Follow a healthy diet to strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C is essential for strong immunity. You will get it from amla or Indian gooseberry and all citrus fruits.