While nose piercing is known to the western world as a bold fashion statement, in many eastern countries it is commonplace and part of tradition. Body piercing is gaining momentum, of which nose piercing has now become a rage. A majority of women in India and Pakistan as well as the Middle Eastern and Arabian countries have nose piercings. In these places where nose piercing is a part of the culture, it is usually restricted to nostril piercing. However, in the western world, you can see three different kinds of nose piercings; nostril piercing, nasal septum piercing and bridge piercing. Nostril piercing is the most common, and in my opinion looks the best. For those who are considering this adornment, here are some nose piercing care tips.
While a few people may get their nose pierced using a ear piercing gun, it should not be done this way. Using a gun increases a person's chances of getting an infection. A good, safe way to get a nose piercing is with a sterile needle. One will experience only a short, sharp pain, get an exact placement and have a tiny stud inserted immediately.
Nose Piercing Aftercare
A nose piercing is likely to take 10 to 15 days to heal. Proper care during this time will speed up healing, while lack of it will extend the healing period. Here is how to take care of a nose piercing:
- Clean the piercing everyday. If a crust forms on the inside of the stud, carefully remove it by cleaning it with clean cotton soaked in a saline solution. The way to go about is to hold the wet cotton wool over the piercing for 3 to 4 minutes until all the crusting is removed. Ensure not to be rough for you may bring out the stud or cause the piercing to bleed.
- Dry the piercing after cleaning it by patting it with a clean tissue. One is advised against using a towel on the stud or face as they harbor bacteria, and can pull out the stud.
- Care for nose piercing includes the application of a small amount of Lavender oil to the area as it promotes healing and lubricates the wound. After dabbing it on, gently rotate the stud or ring so that the oil gets into the wound. You can buy a small bottle that must be marked (BP) or medicinal grade, at the supermarkets (medicine section) or at a pharmacy.
- One is advised against removing the stud or the ring for more than a day as the wound is likely to close. It can also delay healing and cause infection and lumps.
- One can also use vitamin B with zinc supplements, as both substances promote healing.
- As applies to any wound, don't keep touching the wound, or picking or pulling at the scab, as you can cause it to get infected. It may also cause lumps to form.
- Exposing the piercing to any make-up, cleansers, sun tan lotions etc is also giving it cause for infection. When you use hairspray, cover the piercing with tissue before you spray.
- Some other substances that may cause lumps to form (as they are too strong for the delicate tissues forming the scar) are alcohol, Tea Tree Oil, metholated spirits, or betadine. Thus, don't use any of them to clean the wound.
- Lastly, avoid using a sleeper during the healing phase, especially a silver one, as it can oxidize in the wound. This causes a permanent black spot on the nose, and can also cause allergies.