An industrial piercing (North American term) is also known as the scaffold piercing in Britain. It is an arrow like metal jewelry which is made to fit the upper cartilage of the ear. This piercing is unique because it requires two separate piercings, and is also one of the most painful piercing of them all. This is not a piercing meant for the 'Do It Yourself' enthusiasts, as it needs exact alignments and a very steady hand. Secondly, a normal gunshot will not be good enough for getting an industrial piercing, and needs a specific needle. This style of piercing has increasingly become popular among people, but must not be practiced by kids until they are adults. It just seems a bit too much for kids to be flaunting around, and parents must try to persuade their children to postpone their plans for an industrial piercing.
Getting an Industrial Piercing
The first rule requires that you get yourself vaccinated, in order to protect yourself against hepatitis and tetanus infections. This is a measure all tattoo and piercing enthusiasts must take in order to safeguard themselves. I too have piercings and tattoos, and I have taken this step to protect myself by getting the necessary vaccinations. As it is often said, "it's better to be safe than sorry!" | |
Your second step demands that you follow through on your research properly. Which means that you will need to call the top 3 - 5 most reputable piercing parlors in your town or city. You must ask them for permission to visit and ask your questions, if they do not seem to have the time to indulge you in a telephonic conversation. Usually, tattoo and piercing studios will request you to visit them, so that they can get to know more about your specific demands and expectations regarding your piercings. | |
Visit the studios one by one. It is usually better to visit a studio which has been recommended to you by a mutual friend or acquaintance, who has gotten his or her piercing from that very shop. Ask this friend of yours, about whether they were professional and efficient in their work and behavior. Trust me, it's a nightmare to deal with a snooty piercing artist, as they can make you feel unnerved and even more nervous than you already are! It would be best to find someone with a calmer demeanor, if you are worried about getting the piercing. However, if it doesn't bother you, go in for a thoroughly professional artist nonetheless. | |
Once you meet the piercing artist, remember to ask relevant questions and keep the conversation short. Ask about the quality and sterility of the needle which will be used. Ask them about whether gloves will be worn while performing the procedure or not? Inquire about the total healing period and what all precautions are to be taken for your piercing aftercare, to make sure that your piercing doesn't get infected. Most importantly, it would be great if you could try to develop a friendship with the artist. This way, the artist will remember you the next time you visit. Do not forget to inquire about the charges and judge if the rates are affordable enough for you or not. | |
Once you have fixed the studio of your preference, fix an appointment for yourself. Remember to sterilize your ear at home once before reaching the venue. This is a safety measure, which will never go to waste. | |
The artist will ask you to lay back on an inclined chair, after which he will bring out the needle. Ensure that the artist is wearing surgical gloves and has the needle dipped in sterilizing liquid. | |
The artist will ask you to take in deep inhalations and exhalations, during which course he will mark the entry and exist points of the piercing with a skin-friendly marker. It's immediately after the marking that the artist executes his first piercing . The thin rod like piercing will usually be blocked from one end with a barbell shaped nut, or an arrow's tip, which will prevent the piercing from sliding out. | |
The second piercing is executed almost immediately, in order not to delay the process and get it over with as soon as possible. The tip of the industrial piercing it then made to pass through the second piercing, and it locked with a screw-on barbell shaped nut. | |
Your ear will be cleansed with an antiseptic liquid, while using a cotton swap. You will feel pain and your ear will feel numb for the next 12 hours or so, but the pain will be manageable. |
If you prefer, you can request for a plastic industrial arrow, which will remain until the piercing heals. However, it is better to use metal ones, because the ear gets used to the new piercing, even though it may take longer to heal. The new piercing requires that you keep the ear away from water, and instead clean the piercing using saltwater or medicine.