I choose to begin this article on a quotable note. Kenneth Tynan articulates his perspective on Margaret Rutherford and her acting prowess. Notice the emphasis on the chin that caters to her performances. Her chin (as the quote pronounces), delivers variegated moods. Her chin is: commanding, in doubt, and at bay! Well, this quote successfully illustrates how important your chin is. Through this quote we may conclude that the chin is a silent mood reflector. A mirror that, indeed, mirrors it all! Well, when your chin has the inherent potential to say it all, why not employ it as your verbalize[r]. Garbled? Don't be. Have the perfect chin and let your chin do all the talking for you. If you want to enhance your mood reflector, why not enhance the chin . . . with a chin lift! This is the place to be, my friend!
What Is a Chin Lift?
Before we embark on comprehending what a chin lift procedure has in the offing, we should define what it is. It is a surgical procedure under the vast field of cosmetic surgery. The chin lift could be a partial procedure that is executed separately, or could be a part of a complete facelift focusing only on the chin and the neck. The purpose of a surgical procedure is to correct a sagging skin or a chin that has folds underneath. The sagging is due to the excessive deposits of fat or skin tissue that constitute the outer layer of the skin. Another reason could also be the looseness of the tissue underneath the epidermis layer.
Why a Chin Lift with Surgery?
A chin lift surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery executed to restore and refine features that prove to be the corner stones of youth and beauty. However, it is not a surgical course of action only to reestablish the youthful beauty, it is also a procedure that is carried out as a part of facial reconstruction due to unfortunate occurrences; such as, accidents that have the potential to change the dimensions of the face. A chin lift carried out as part of a complete facelift, could lend a helping hand to restructuring the face, and restoring the original appearance of the individual.
If you have any intentions of opting for a chin lift, it is essential to consult an authority on the surgery. The practitioner must be trained, and certified to conduct this surgical procedure. Before you find yourself getting comfortable on the surgeons recliner, you need to address certain issues with your respective surgeon regarding the procedure. The surgeon has to take into consideration your health and the condition of your chin, in order to determine the type of surgery appropriate for you. Post diagnoses, the surgeon along with the client, concludes that the procedure can be performed by making an incision or a small section on the chin, thereby lifting the skin. This method is followed only if the surgeon does not find the chin in a condition of having tissue buried beneath the skin. The drooping skin tissues could be corrected by performing a reconstruction program of the chin, where these tissues, lying beneath the skin surface, are addressed. A split on the insides of the lower lip is made. This lifts the drooping tissues. The part that withstands the split is stitched up in order to perpetually 'seal' the skin. The plastic surgery involves swelling and initial bruising.
A chin lift may or may not accompany the face lift; the procedure, with regard to results does not tend to vary. The surgery would approximately consume two hours. Post surgery, the site is covered with a bandage, not too tight on its grip. The patient is allowed to go home the same day the surgery is conducted. Although the bandage is removed after a few days; the bruising and swelling do remain. The stitch marks and bruises fade as time lapses. The stutters are disengaged from the sight, roughly after a week has lapsed.
Why a Chin Lift without Surgery?
A chin lift without surgery is a viable option that many resort to. You don't have to go through a surgery, and you don't need to dread this restructuring process either! A method, referred to, as Thermage is the best non-surgical option for those who want skin tightening on the jaw line, and have a chin and neck lift without surgery. Its effect is high on longevity. This method, if implied, is great for people whose preferences include, economic feasibility and low risk factors, yet yielding good results at the same time. Thermage is a natural face lifting method that requires just an hour to be completed. This face lifting system involves minor, almost negligible side effects, and they will disappear soon after the procedure is completed. The best part is that this natural remedy for face regeneration does not involve administering any anesthesia. It is a procedure performed by dermatologists and trained surgeons. Another very feasible option, called the lifestyle lift; a non-invasive face lift, has come into being in the recent past. This procedure is meant to achieve a taut facial skin. Wrinkles and fine lines are the predominant indicators of aging. These signs could be eradicated altogether by opting for the lifestyle lift, an hour's procedure without any involvement of general or local anesthesia.
Cost: Surgical and Non-Surgical
A non-surgical chin lift, with Thermage or Lifestyle procedures are in the range of $1000 to $6000 approximately. On the other hand, a surgical chin lift will cost $5,000 to $8,000 approximately. Thus, it is clear that the non-surgical chin lift is financially feasible inasmuch a surgical procedure.
Hope you have found this article was interesting as well as informative, and do remember that your chin personifies your moods, so be carefully with your expressions and acts!