Our first day of school is always exciting. Meeting old friends and making new ones, new books and new teachers. School feels new every time it's our first day. Certainly, everyone wants to look good on the first day. So here's a word of advice - do whatever you want to, to look good, but don't overdo anything as its effect would just be the opposite.
During Your Vacations
Go Shopping
Go shopping for the things you'll need to carry with you to school, in advance. Pick up a really cool bag that can fit in everything you carry. It should not be very bulky and shouldn't be very stuffy too. Your bag should be comfortable and it should look like it's meant for you.
Look Fit/ Start Working Out
You need to look fit to look good and for that you have to work out regularly. Don't just binge during your holidays but also work-it-out. A fit body can carry-off almost any outfit. So be fit and look smart in your uniform and also that will make you ready for the freshmen party.
Skin Care
Beautiful and flawless skin is one thing that makes anyone look good, even without any makeup. Having a beautiful skin is that first thing that anyone would first notice in you. Eat healthy food, and scrub and cleanse your skin regularly. Follow the skin care regime, always drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits.
Alter Your Uniform
If your uniform does not fit you well, get it customized as per your needs. The length of your skirt should not be too long and baggy. Alter your shirt as well. Don't make your uniform too tight or loose; it should fit you just-right.
A Day Before School Starts
Keep Things Ready
Keep the things you will need to carry with you to school ready. Keep your books, pencil box, wallet, etc., ready and arrange them in your bag. Do it a day before, to save yourself from the last minute jitters.
Sleep Well and Wake Up Early
Get yourself a beauty sleep! Sleep early and sleep as much as you need, so that you can wake up fresh. Also, get up early in the morning and start to get ready. Keep some extra time in hand, as it is your first day, you will need some extra time to groom yourself and to check yourself out.
Set Your Hair
Either wash your hair a night before or get up early in the morning and do so. Keep sufficient time in hand to set and style your hair. Either just give your hair a normal blow dry or set them with the help of your mom (or anyone else).
Co-ordinate With Your Friends
If you already have friends in school, co-ordinate with them, meet up before the school starts and enter the school together. When you enter with your friends, automatically you feel confident and happy.
Neat Uniform
This goes without saying that your uniform should be well ironed and clean. Keep other accessories like a tie a scarf and a belt in place.
The Day School Starts
I will give you a few beauty tips. You should apply light makeup for school. Use a foundation to camouflage blemishes, use a bright colored lip gloss, eyeliner and apply a light blush. If you don't know how to apply make up, practice beforehand.
You can wear small jewelry pieces like earrings, bracelet and a neck-piece. They cannot be big as they do not fit in with the uniform-look.
Smell Good
Smelling good is very important. Keep a deodorant in your bag all the time. You will need it after the mid-day and also after playing a sport or dancing.
Confidence is the Key
Dress-up well, smell nice and apply make up but eventually looking good finally lies in confidently carrying yourself. Being confident is a mental state. Keep your goals set and feel the start of a fresh day at school, happily. Be yourself and love it.
The first of school is a very special day. It is obvious that you want to look good and cast the right impression on others. But looking good does not only refer to the exterior look; it also refers to what you are from within. I am not trying to be spiritual here, but what I am trying to say is that, whatever you are in the inside will show up on your outer look as well. For example, a girl who looks very good but cannot speak properly or her body language is clumsy; her exterior look will no longer be attractive. So to really look good you need dress up well, feel happy, stay fit and confident.
It's your first day at school, so talk to everyone, ask them about their holidays and join a group or a club with your common interest. Make your school life full of fun, frolic and learning. Enjoy!