You recently met a really cute guy and can't seem to stop thinking about him? Will he call you or will he not? What if he tried calling you but couldn't reach you? What if he left a message on your machine... Anything is possible! Alright, so he finally does call you... Now what? You can't possibly be thinking of going out to meet him with all your nerves so strung up, now can you?
So calm down, there are a few basic things that women must and must never do on their first dates. Of course these rules will apply only if, that particular date is important for you in the long run. If not, the ball is still in your court ladies. In order to spellbind your ideal man, you'll need to gear up and drive into the dating arena! A confident and graceful women who knows what she wants and does what she pleases, is irresistible... and that my friend is plain and simple fact. So here are 10 first date rules for women to follow, that will keep the men coming back for more...
1 - Be Confident
There are no rules to this thing. All you need to do is to be yourself. Remember that he liked you the first time itself, and that's why he asked you out. And if you're the one who asked him out, it's even better, and he knows you're a confident woman. Win-win situation isn't it? Let your speech and posture be subtle and poised. Please try to avoid from hunching or fiddling with your hair. These will be construed as signs of nervousness. Being well-informed about current events, politics, history, and things in common, will add fluidity to the conversation. Be lively, attentive, soft-spoken, and smart while conversing. Let the guy know that you are intelligent and know how to speak your mind.
2 - Dress According to the Venue
Let your dress define your personality, but do not let it go overboard. If you are going to a not-so-upmarket place, like an outdoor cafe or restaurant, wear something semi-formal. Such as a short dress with comfortable heels, sandals, or boots. If it's a classy place, wear a long dress or a short cocktail dress. Do not wear dresses that will give him the wrong impression about you. That being, either overtly eager to please or ultra boring. Add your own style statement so that it becomes evident that you are your own person and that it reflects in everything you say and do. You need not emulate the fashion trends of the season or wear something that makes you feel uncomfortable. You must wear what you think suits your personality and fits you well.
3 - The Right Fragrance Matters
Of course you smell good every time but make special efforts to wear an especially nice perfume on all your dates. If it's a casual summer date, wear a perfume that has a fresh and fruity fragrance. If it's a formal date, wear a strong and sensuous perfume. The entire point of smelling good is to keep him curious and interested.
4 - Is He Even Worth It?
Notice, if he is as punctual and well-mannered as you are. These things are very important as they are bound to cause friction in later days, if both of you ever decide to take things further. Is he chivalrous, does he treat you with respect, is he attentive towards you, and not easily distracted by other females in the vicinity? Is he intelligent and ambitious? Has he strived hard in his career and has dreams of making something more of himself? If so, then he has passed the first test and if not, consider treating this as your last date with this man, please...
5 - Talk About Fun Topics
We all want to be with people who we can have fun with. So bring out the lighter side of your personality, and tell him about the fun things you have been up to lately. Ask him about his favorite pastime and hobbies. See if you have common liking, such as music, partying, books, theater, or enjoying junk food! (as long as it is, once in a while!) Share experiences about your trips to new places, festivals, or events you may have participated in.
6 - Observe and Report
No matter how good-looking your date may actually be, don't let your imagination run wild. Listen to him carefully, you may get important information through seemingly simple statements such as, "I don't believe in marriage', or 'I love hanging out with kids'. These can shed further light into your date's actual personality as well as his true intentions. Choose what suits you best and go according to your gut feeling. Another reason to observe him carefully is because you want him to know, that you are absolutely interested in getting to know him better. So it's better to talk less and listen more, especially on the first date. It's a convenient as well as a safe option because; just in case the guy turns out to be a creep, you would have shared minimal personal information about yourself!
7 - Big NO!
Don't let the guy feel like he is your replacement shrink. This is one of the most important dating rules for girls and women of all age groups. Therefore, do not talk about your past troubles on your first few dates with any man! They don't know you well enough to care and honestly they are least interested. Do not talk about your ex-boyfriend, who you were in a serious relationship with. Let him ask you first and then you can postpone this discussion may be for the 10th meeting or something. Try not to be inquisitive about his past affairs either. Let him discuss these issues on his own, that too if he ever thinks they are important enough to be brought up.
8 - Let Him Take the Bill
Let the guy pay the bill on the first date. Unless of course, there is an awkward moment. From then on you may choose to dutch-the-bill, from the second date onwards. Don't worry if the guy doesn't respond for a second date because of money matters. He just isn't worth it! Don't waste your time and move on to the next Mr. Right.
9 - It's Not a One-Night Stand
Don't let him think that the night has something more in store. All he should get, is perhaps a sweet goodnight. You are not expected to give in to anything more, even if you really want to. All that can wait for a later date, when you both are ready and are comfortable with one another.
10 - Let Him Call Back
Never call him after the first date. Instead wait for him to call you and thank you for a lovely evening. If he does not ask you out again, understand that he is not interested in you. So do not be persistent and do not ask him out instead. Move-on, you have better things to do with your time. Also, if he calls a bit too often, then perhaps you should consider ditching the idea of a second date. You don't want to be stuck with a desperate man, now do you? Go for a man who is sane and fun, if not the least.
Even though, dating is all about having a good time, there is still a very fine line between being available and being easy. Either way, it's a matter of personal choice and that choice is only yours to make. So ladies step out in style and get yourself a great date. Good Luck!