How to Flirt with a Girl Over Text

Ok. You're smitten by her presence, her fragrance and her smiles! In the latest move to be closer to her, you got her cell phone number. While you can't risk calling her everyday, you've got the cheaper and yet efficient option of sending flirty text messages to her.

Be Patient!
Guys, if you're around her, trying to gain and give her attention, making her smile and showing deeper signs of friendship, then surely she will send you a sms (text messages). I can bet on this. This will give you a sign that she is at least aware of your existence (hurray)! If she has your number but she is not sending you messages then, you initiate! Yeah, start by hilarious jokes and funny quotes and saying. Don't send something that she has to necessarily reply. Give her freedom and yet make your presence felt.

Humility Pays!
You send her a funny message. May be she is unable to reply due to 'n' number of reasons. The moment she replies, don't behave like the rudest creature who has ever visited this Earth and start with questions like huh! where were you? Don't appear so much attention seeking. Let things flow smoothly. Be humble and if she expresses sorry for not having replied your messages, chuck it with a smiley [:-)]. Or just say, 'hey, (name) it was just to make you laugh:-) Neva mind! Be humble, after all, you're interested in her.

Be Crisp!
You must have heard that girls love talking on cell phones. Although, I don't know how common it is, I can say, they do love cell phones from my personal experiences. Generally, they carry their 'cute' cell phones (yeah, they call many things 'cute' - the small puppy, a small baby, a designer purse, small bottle..etc.) with them, almost always. Use this to your advantage. Send simple and crisp messages. Create conversation. Don't wait for it to happen. For instance, a simple sms to send to a girl in middle school is:

Him: Hey, (name), had your lunch :-)
Her: Nopes, not yet. M heading to the library.
Him: Why not join me for lunch. M just near the library canteen. Haven't yet ordered my food. Come and hv something. Then, you can study more! What say? :-)
Her: Hey, not a bad idea. Vl be thr in 5 minutes..:-) c ya...

If you send her simple messages, she will reply faster. Don't elaborate if it's not required. That forms the fundamental tip to flirt with girls.

Know Thyself, Know Her Too!
Flirty text messages to send to your girl are a subtle combination of conversation topics. Hence, arm yourself about what are her likes and dislikes. This will help you to initiate a conversation. If you know her likes and dislikes, you will easily learn to flirt with her even through text messages. This is because as conversation becomes rich, you'll automatically learn to come up with something or the other by figuring her thoughts.

Be Technical!
Don't underestimate the power of text message symbols. Learn and know all emoticon meanings. Use them to your advantage. These does make a difference to pep up your mood and create an enriching conversation.

Switch Roles!
What stuff is this? Well, by now you know various things about her. So to engage her in the conversation, you have to be creative. Tell her about something like how you helped your mom to cook. Or how you messed up with the cupcake mom was making at home. Tell her, how you created a big hole in your shirt, while ironing it. You can talk about your pets, animals and many things. Girls find many of the things cute! When you let the man within you do the talking, discuss her favorite sports. Meanwhile, when you get chance, keep using flirty text messages to send to hint her that you're interested in her. Switch your roles from being a funny guy to serious man, as per the situation.

Be a Spelling Bee!
No, you don't have to be a postgraduate in English literature or a must be aware about all poems of John Keats and P.B. Shelly! You've got to be vigilant in not making spelling mistakes and keeping the grammar correct. Yeah, they can matter. According to me, you should also avoid using too much short cuts for words. Ok, using sms slang and codes are well and good. Sometimes, just use proper sentences and grammar. Some girls do get annoyed by spelling mistakes.

Guys, you have got to understand that you can't look into her eyes and say what you feel, when you're text messaging. So in text messages, you've got to write your feelings and what you're thinking. You must not be easily predictable. This doesn't mean behave like a mystery boy (if you do such, she'll run away:-P). Let that elusiveness, that mystery element remain in your conversations. Just as a matter of advise, save some of her funniest and interesting personal messages and send her sometimes when she is enjoying conversation with you! She'll be surprised that the messages are still saved in your inbox (;-), may be you get an opening to her heart, here:-D). Subtle hints, you know, they work wonders. Don't be in a hurry to send her text messages to say I love you. Signing off with best wishes for your next date! ADB..oops.. All the Best!:-D

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