Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
- Emily Bronte
You met, you fell in love, you proposed, and now you're ready to tie the knot. What brought on this entire happening in your life? How do you feel now that you are marrying the one you so deeply love? How and when can you express the intense, numerous feelings that flood your being, when you see him/her smile, and that beautiful glint in his/her eyes? You probably said it all when you proposed, but now you're getting married. You're beginning a whole new chapter of your life together, with a promise to tread through thick and thin, through happiness and sadness, through success and failure, together. The most important moment during your wedding ceremony, when you exchange wedding rings, is when you can honestly express your innermost feelings, and without a trace of doubt truly state amid the world, how much you love him/her, and that no matter what the situation, he/she will find you by his/her side. How can you put together all these overwhelming feelings? Take a look at some examples of wedding ring ceremony wordings, that will help you tell him/her, what they truly mean to you. One look at these, and you will know exactly what you want to say when you place the wedding ring on his/her finger.
Sample 1
I give you this ring as a token of my abiding love, as a sign that I have chosen you above all others. All that I am, and all that I have, I offer to you in joy, in thanksgiving and in sacred union. With this ring, I thee wed.
Sample 2
With this ring, I give to you my promise
that from this day forward you will not walk alone.
May my heart be your shelter
And my arms be your home.
May God bless you always.
May we walk together through all things.
May you feel deeply loved, for indeed you are.
May you always see your innocence in my eyes.
With this ring,
I give you my heart.
I have no greater gift to give.
I promise I will do my best.
I will always try.
I feel honored to call you my (wife/husband).
I feel blessed to call you mine.
May we feel this joy forever.
Sample 3
With this ring, I do swear and promise, as I take this lady/man by the hand, that I shall love and cherish her/him, that I will be faithful to her/him and to no other for all the days of my life. I have for the first time found someone I can truly love, I have found you. You are my sympathy, my better self, my good angel. I am bound to you. I think you good, gifted and lovely. A fervent, solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, and wraps my existence about you. This pure and powerful flame fuses you and me as one.
Sample 4
I have for you a golden ring. The most precious metal symbolizes that your love is the most precious element in my life. The ring has no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love between us will never cease. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the vows which have made us husband and wife.
Sample 5
This ring I give to you as a token of my love and devotion to you.
I pledge to you all that I am and all that I will ever be as your (wife/husband).
With this ring, I gladly marry you and join my life to yours.
Sample 6
I, (your name), take you, (wife/husband's name), to be my beloved wife/husband, to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, to laugh with you in the good times, to comfort and solace you in the bad, and to love and cherish you always.
I promise you this from my heart, with my soul, for all the days of my life, eternal.
Sample 7
With this ring, I promise to love and care for you and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love.
I will always be honest with you, kind, patient, and forgiving.
I promise to try to be on time. (note the touch of humor here.)
But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you.
I love you.
Sample 8
As this ring encircles your finger, from this day forward, so will my love forever encircle you. Wear this ring as a symbol of my love.
Sample 9
As the ring never ends, so my love will be never-ending
As the cords bind to each other, so to you will I be bound
As precious as the gold it is made from, so precious are you to me
I love you, (wife/husband's name), as this ring will always remind you.
Reassure the trust that your husband/wife has placed in you, with your choice of wedding ring ceremony wordings. Remember, the key is to keep it simple, but genuine, straight from the heart.