Astrology signs compatibility can be an effective guideline to the nature of relationship between two sun signs. I repeat, that it is just a guideline and not a hard and fast rule, as the true nature of any relationship lies between the behavior and understanding of the two said individuals. However, by reading astrological compatibility between two signs, you can get an idea on what the other might or can expect, what are his traits, do you both complement each other, etc. People born between 21st May and 21st June belong to the sun sign Gemini, and those born in between 23rd September and 23rd October belong to the sun sign Libra.
Gemini Libra Love Compatibility
Both, Gemini and Libra are air signs and it generally found that people belonging to the same group of sun signs have similar characteristics. For e.g., Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are Earth signs and hence, individuals belonging to these signs are practical and grounded. Therefore, the similar nature of these individuals makes them compatible to each other. They share several similar traits and have more or less similar expectations from their partner. When talking about compatibility for Libra and Gemini in romantic terms, there is instantaneous attraction between the two. Both these individuals are charming and lively. they are intellectuals filled with ideas and their desire to express them. Both of these are avid talkers, and will have no dearth of subjects to talk about. Therefore, their mental compatibility is simply incomparable among all other signs of the zodiac.
Similarly, Libra as well as Gemini individuals are social creatures who love socializing and will have a large group of friends. Also, they both complement each other in all terms. For e.g., the die-hard romantic Libra will work hard to make his / her Gemini partner feel special and the Gemini in turn will help in keeping the relationship lively. Remember that a Libra man in love is the most sensuous male in the zodiac. There is no dearth for romance, for long chats, lovemaking in the Gemini and Libra relationship. One of the other advantages is that neither of the partner is aggressive or egoist and hence, when tension arises, they solve it peacefully by talking and solving it methodically. Secondly, both these individuals have a great need for freedom, and they are ready to provide it to the other. Therefore, neither of the partner will feel tied down in this relationship.
On the flip side, the only disadvantage of this match is their inability to take quick decisions. Gemini individuals are known for their fickle minds and Libras take a long time to make decisions, as they consider the pros and cons before giving any judgment. Secondly, both of them have a great need to look good and live a good lifestyle (which is rather an advantage); but can turn into a disadvantage due to uncontrolled extravagance! Apart from these, there are no major drawbacks of this relationship.
Gemini Libra Friendship Compatibility
Just as their romantic relationship, the friendship between Gemini and Libra is equally strong and stable. Their mental frequencies match each other very easily because of their need and ability to talk and express. These two, as friends, will talk on any topic and will come up with some excellent ideas. There will be constant healthy debates between the two which will stimulate them intellectually. They support each other and there will be rare cases of strife between them. Individuals of these signs love peace and harmony and hence, they will sort out any disagreements between them peacefully. Gemini individuals are more flexible and will always try to come with new ideas. These both will never get bored in each other's company. Similarly, they will help and support each other and will not hesitate to step aside to let the other shine!
All in all, Gemini and Libra relationship is simply the best in terms of love, romance as well as friendship. Therefore, if you find each other, it is wise to stay together, or you will soon miss the fun and surely regret it! Good luck!