Fig trees are one of the ancient trees, that have been given importance since the biblical times. They were mainly cultivated in the Mediterranean region because of the mild-temperate climates. The botanical name of a fig tree is "Ficus carica" and it belongs to family "Moraceae". There are almost 1000 species of figs and they are called common fig, fig or edible fig.
There are two types of fig trees known as "Caprifig" and "edible fig". All the male fig trees are called the Capri fig trees and the fruit of a Capri fig tree is inedible. There are three main varieties of edible fig trees. They are the "Smyrna", "San Pedro" and "Common" figs. Common fig trees are the only fig trees that do not require pollination for propagation. Some of the common fig trees are Brown Turkey figs, Celeste figs, Brunswick figs and Black Mission figs. Fig trees are further divided on the basis of the color of their fruits. There are green, yellow and dark varieties of fig fruit types.
A fig tree requires sunlight for at least eight to nine hours a day; hence should be planted in a place where it receives full sun. An average fig tree grows to a height of ten feet and a width of ten feet. So, it is advisable to space a fig tree at least ten feet apart from other trees.
Nurturing Fig Trees
Note: A fig tree can be trained to be a container plant in the form of a bush or a tree. The tips given below are practical for both forms.
Purchase healthy saplings of common fig tree from the local plant nursery. This is the first and the foremost tip. Avoid buying seeds. The fig tree sapling must be placed in a hole filled with soil rich in humus. Mound up additional soil to form water basin. Wet the sapling thoroughly and cover the basin with mulch.
The fig trees root easily. When you see the new set of leaves sprouting, it means the root system has formed. Remember to water the plants regularly. However, never let water sog your plant. The reason is that a soggy plant would cause the fruits to split. You need to fertilize the tree every spring, if you want good yield in summer. You may use limestone chips mulch as fertilizer.
A fig tree should be pruned when the tree is dormant. The pruning is similar to the pruning of roses. The branches are pruned in such a way, so as to permit the entry of air and light. During fall, the fig trees become dormant. This is the time to wrap the trees with insulating materials such as a plastic sheet or a large plastic bag. The fig trees should be wrapped from top to bottom to protect it from the cold and frost of winter.
Fig trees are easily damaged. Hence extreme care should be given to these fruit trees. The fruits of the trees can be eaten fresh or in a dry form.