Women in their 20s have the advantage of a youthful skin. Absence of wrinkles, frown lines, dark circles, dark spots and puffiness, makes the skin look great. The only problem during this phase, is the occasional eruptions and exposure to the sun, wind, dust, dirt and pollution. However, with strict skin care and by using the best skin care products, you can keep your skin looking young, forever! Often, for most fair complexioned women, aging, begins early.
There may be superfluity of anti aging creams that work, but you need to know which one to use and, most importantly, how to use them. The tips for anti aging skin care, will help you to restore the radiance of your skin, to bask in its glow!
Tips on Anti-Aging Skin Care
Avoid Exposure to the Sun
You've heard it a million times over, in those commercial breaks and at every beauty salon. Sun does age your skin. A few minutes extra in the sun, and your skin, is in, for lifetime of trouble. Exposure to the sun, leads to formation of wrinkles, dark spots, dry cracked skin and blotchy skin. The reason for all of this is the hazardous nature of UV rays, which penetrate the skin layers, mutating the melanin. This leads to premature aging. You can block the harmful UV rays by applying a coat of sunscreen, 15 minutes (at least) prior, to stepping out in the sun. This allows the skin to soak it in, which prevents the damage. Use a sunscreen, which is SPF 15 or higher for anti aging purposes.
Quit Smoking
Working hard and partying harder, may keep you in shape, both mentally and physically. But smoking to keep up with the pressures of the same, is definitely not helping your skin. Aging skin is just another side effect of smoking. Inhaling smoking actively (avoidable) or passively (non-avoidable), leads to constriction of blood vessels, which leads to lack of oxygen in the blood stream. This causes your skin to look leathery and at this juncture, your skin begins to grow crows feet. Also, frequent consumption of alcohol causes dehydration. Puffiness and red skin is mainly a result of dehydration. As we age, the collagen content lessens, which makes the skin look old faster.
Moisturize and Hydrate
By the time you are 25, your skin, begins to age. Dry skin, is a symptom of aging. Lack of moisture and water, makes your skin look dull and flaky. It loses its luster and develops dark circles and spots. Puffiness is yet another sign of lack of moisture. So to keep all of these at bay and to keep the enzymes working, you need to drink a lot of water. A minimum of 2 liters a day, will keep your skin in a good condition.
How to Look After Your Skin
- Use a scrub to wash your face, at least thrice a week. This removes the dead skin, cleans out the pores and speeds up the process of exfoliation.
- The best wrinkle free skin care, would be to include a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and B3 in your diet, to prevent wrinkles and to combat other signs of premature aging. Also, including, a bowl of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and antioxidants, keeps your skin looking healthy.
- Remove all the make-up with a good skin cleanser, before you go to sleep. Makeup disallows, your skin to breathe.
- Get your face cleansed, if not a facial, every 25 days, to remove deposited dirt, which causes blackheads and pimples.