An ear piercing is one of the most common types of body piercing. For ages, women have had their ears pierced and adorned them with beautiful jewelry. Well, fashion evolves constantly, and these days you can see men flaunting ear piercing. Though getting your ear pierced is a great way to look fashionable, one must never ignore the aspect of ear piercing aftercare. There is no harm in getting your ears pierced, but it is equally important that you get it done from a piercing professional. A lack of care can lead to certain problems. The idea behind getting a piercing is to look fashionable and the whole purpose would be defeated if you end up with a scarred ear due to an infected piercing. Scroll down to learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment of an infected ear piercing.
Symptoms of an Ear Piercing Infection
If you sought the services of a qualified piercer, the risk of an ear piercing infection reduces considerably. If you followed the necessary aftercare measures, there is a slim chance of you ending up with an infected ear piercing. It usually takes an ear piercing around 6-8 weeks to heal. Though it is normal to have redness and swelling on the pierced area for some time, if the pain and swelling don't subside and you experience burning sensation, redness, pain, inflammation and discharge, you must consult a doctor soon. These are all signs of an ear piercing infection.
What Causes an Infected Ear Piercing?
Wondering what causes pierced ear problems? As mentioned earlier, getting the piercing done by a qualified piercer is extremely important. Inexperienced piercers who may not have the necessary knowledge regarding the safety measures might use unsterilized instruments. They might not be able to give you the required information on ear piercing aftercare. Those of you who are not well-informed about the aftercare instructions are surely more prone to getting an infection. Another factor responsible for causing an infection on the piercing site can be an allergic reaction caused by the piercing jewelry.
How to Treat an Infected Ear Piercing
Let's start with the basic piercing aftercare instructions. To avoid an allergic reaction, make sure that the stud or the earring is made from a metal that suits your skin. Using an earring made from 24 carat gold or silver would be a safer option. Since a lack of hygiene is mainly responsible for causing an ear piercing infection, make sure that you clean the piercing at least once daily. You must use an anti-bacterial soap to clean the piercing. Those who touch the piercing with dirty hands are surely giving an open invitations to germs, it must be completely avoided. Use a sanitizer or wash your hands with an anti-bacterial soap before touching the pierced area. If you wish to change your earrings, wait till the piercings have healed completely. If you see signs of an infection, consult a doctor soon. Making delays in treating an infection can aggravate the problem. The dermatologist might suggest application of an antibiotic cream to the affected area. You can also try a home remedy. You can make a solution by adding a pinch of non-iodized salt to warm water. Dip your ear in this solution for 5 minutes. Do this 3-4 times daily.
This was some information on ways to avoid an ear piercing infection. If you have recently got your ears pierced, make sure that you religiously follow the aftercare measures. If you notice redness, pus or the piercing site seems to be getting infected, consult a doctor soon.