Color Me Pretty
Choose the right color for your bathroom. Remember the general rule, dark shades give a smaller look to the room, whereas light colors create an illusion of space. So, if you have a small bathroom, you can choose a color from a wide range of pastels, neutral shades or whites. Light colors not only make a room look open and spacious, but also make it look serene. If it is a girl's bathroom, shades of pink always work. On the other hand, blue can be a dependable option for a boy's bathroom.
What's on the Floor?
What is on the floor matters as much as what goes on the walls and ceiling. Make sure that your flooring coordinates with your walls and ceiling. In addition to that, keep it light colored, as a light tinge adds to the overall spaciousness of the bathroom.

Also, opt for large tiles as small tiles can break the visual space of the area. If you feel the need of adding some color element to your bathroom, then go for a rug which offers a splash of color. A rug of any size helps with the visual aspects. At the same time, it does not act as an obstruction.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Mirrors create an illusion of space. The reason being, more light is reflected with mirrors which makes a room look larger naturally. If possible, cover an unused wall of your bathroom with mirrors, this will automatically make it look bigger. You can either go for one huge mirror or a combination of various small ones, giving it an arty look. If there is enough space for two mirrors, you could put two of them on the opposite walls of the bathroom, thus creating an illusion that your bathroom is endless. Before putting up a mirror, keep in mind the object that it is going to reflect. If it is reflecting a cabinet, it will not be as visually appealing as a mirror across a window would look.

Brighten Up
If you are on a budget, a great way to brighten up any room is to add lights; choose between white light or yellow light. White light will lend more brightness to your bathroom, whereas yellow lights will give it a striking effect. Switching to CFL bulbs or vanity lighting is also a good option where you can go for a brighter light and save some money by conserving energy.
Depending on how much your bathroom is illuminated by natural light, consider using monochromatic light as hues of the same color will give a larger appearance to your bathroom. You can always consider fixing lights above or below the sink, for giving it an elegant effect.

Whichever form of lighting you choose, make sure all the corners of the bathroom are lit; dark corners will only make it look smaller. Save space by installing ceiling lights or wall mounted lights. If your bathroom has glass windows, replace the beveled or opaque glass with float glass to make a dramatic statement.
Opt for Subtlety
Do away with large structures in the bathroom like a vanity cabinet under the sink. This not only takes large space, but also makes the room look small. Instead, get a pretty and delicate pedestal or wall-mountable sink that allows for more room. If storage space is an absolute necessity, you can get rid of the pedestal sink and use the space below the wall-mountable sink as storage area. Also, think of having small shelves installed on the wall or have them set up in one of the corners. Generally, the space above a door is vacant. Consider installing a small cabinet over it for extra storage space without invading elbow room.
Additional Tips
Remove Visual Obstructions
All kinds of visual obstructions should be removed. Usually small bathrooms cannot accommodate a bathtub, so choosing a small shower area is always a good option. If you have a shower stall with frosted or colored glass, swap it with clear glass. And if possible, remove the shower door and use only a shower curtain that can be pulled back, when not in use. This makes the room large as there is no visual obstruction. Also, consider a uniform color; accent walls and highlights should be avoided especially when your bathroom is short on space.
Economize Floor Space
Anything that sticks out will make the bathroom look small. This is because it cuts into the space visually, which makes the bathroom look smaller than its actual size. Don't use up every inch of the floor space of your bathroom by having trash cans, laundry basket and the likes. A trash can need not be a large one and can always find its place near to the toilet, in an unused corner. You can also hang up a box on a wall to store the bathroom necessities.
Rule Out the Clutter
Clutter is the presence of a copious amount of unnecessary things in your bathroom that you don't need. These whatnots get in your way, or simply take away the spacious look of your bathroom. For instance, a bunch of closets filled with toiletries in a disoriented manner are hardly storage perks. Similarly, a plant which has been kept in the bathroom just to occupy the space and is not matching with its other styling aspects, tends to block the overall view. Mess makes a small room look smaller. So, the best thing is to get rid of all the useless knickknacks from the bathroom and develop a sense of balance.
Bathroom is the place where you can freshen up and unwind. These ideas will surely make your bath experience a rejuvenating one. You can always add a pinch of your creativity and make your bathroom a personalized haven!