You go to any women's clothing shoppe and you will find that all clothes are designed for younger women. Finding stylish and chic clothes in one's mature years, can be quite a challenge for any woman as everyone right from the family members to one's friends to the cloth merchants and designers expect you to dress up like a granny! However, being sixty plus in no way means that you have to be seen in loose pants with over sized shirts. It's just that you have to be aware of the dos and don'ts of fashion over 60, before selecting clothes for your wardrobe.
How to Be Fashionable after Sixty
When it comes to women's fashion over 60, formal wear is not so difficult to find as is the informal, casual wear. For the simple reason that formal wear such as evening gowns, have a timeless appeal to them and thus, look elegant and graceful on women all ages. Whereas, casual wear is always aimed at youth, making it almost impossible to choose clothes for sixty pluses. Still, for day-to-day wear, women over 60 can go in for outfits like denim jeans in boot cut, paired with bright-colored t-shirts. When choosing jeans, make sure that the denim material is a bit stretchable so that it fits your body nicely. You can even pair your regular pants with denim jackets, however, avoid wearing both denim jeans and denim jacket together. Another option for casual women's clothing is skirts in straight cuts which are of mid-calf length. They can be paired with colorful loose blouses for a cool, casual look.
Whether it is women's or men's fashion, the choice of clothes should solely depend upon your body shape. For example, women with slim and shapely legs can opt for trouser suits. Shirt dresses and wrap dresses are some other options for sixty plus women who want to flaunt their shapely arms and legs. If your waist is small, you can highlight it by wearing long skirts. For women who have wrinkles on their neck, covering them up by wearing dresses in appropriate neckline styles such as V-necks or turtlenecks would be ideal. As far as footwear is concerned, one can go for heeled boots or flats, which look comfortable and stylish simultaneously.
Keep your clothing simple i.e. do away with large prints, multiple patterns and bright colors, instead opt for clothes in solid colors like black, blue, red, camel, khaki and white. These colors will not only make you appear slimmer, but will lend you very elegant look too.
A wrong notion held by many senior women is that chunky accessories and jewelry are meant only for younger women and that older women should just wear pearls or diamonds. Women in sixties can wear chunky jewelry too, provided they can carry it off really well. A good idea in this regard would be to wear just one prominent piece of jewelry, it can be long chandelier earrings or a large pendant. A single standout piece of jewelry, worn with elan looks great on any mature woman.
As far as makeup for sixty plus women is concerned, it should be minimal. A natural, subtle, sophisticated look by opting for muted lipsticks, eye shadows, eye liners, etc. is what you should opt for. Of course, you can jazz up your outfit with beautiful chic scarfs and handbags!
As you can see, fashion over 60 is not about wearing black and white clothes and fading into the background. Sixties fashion clothing is about bringing out the real you, dressing up in creative and glamorous ways, just to please you and no one else!