Although people can benefit from taking multivitamin supplements, it is also beneficial to include vitamin-rich food as a regular part of the diet. Vitamin rich source include green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, different nuts and seeds, dairy products, fish and poultry products. However, vitamins obtained from any kind of source, whether be it food, supplements or beauty products, they always play an integral role in maintaining a healthy complexion of the skin. Deficiency of vitamins lead to the development of bouts of medical conditions and among these are different kinds of skin disorders, as well. Common symptoms of vitamin deficiencies include dry, brittle and scaly skin, to name a few.
Vitamins for Clear Skin
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known to be among the most important vitamins for clear and glowing skin due its power of countering the effects of sun exposure. And not only the ill effects of the sun are taken care of by this potent antioxidant, but also those of pollution and smoke. One of the most beneficial properties of this vitamin is its ability to reduce the effect of free radicals. These radicals are known to destroy collagen and elastin and this is the reason why people lose their skin elasticity and develop undesirable skin structure. So, once these radicals are taken care of, people will suffer less from the effects of premature aging and its other symptoms. Apart from taking sufficient amount of foods with vitamin C, the daily requirement of supplements is 500 - 1,000 milligrams.
Vitamin E
Studies have shown that people who are on vitamin E supplements of 400 mg per day, have reduced photodamage and wrinkles, and above all, an improved skin texture. This is also a powerful anti-aging vitamin, which keeps the skin from sun damage, improves the appearance of scars and wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and prevents premature age spots and thus, making way for a healthy clear skin. A common skin cancer known as Basal cell can be reduced to an appreciable degree when the patient takes a combination of vitamin E and A.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps the body repair and maintain its skin tissues. If you know someone who has a dry and flaky complexion, accompanied by itchy skin and other skin disorders, then most possibly he is suffering from a vitamin A deficiency. This oil-soluble vitamin gives the skin a smooth and youthful appearance. More beneficial than the natural sources are topical creams loaded with vitamin A. Its use has shown appreciable reduction in wrinkles and lines, control over acne and relief from conditions such as psoriasis.
Vitamin K
Although, vitamin K does not do a great deal of work for clearing the skin internally, its topical use does provide benefits like reducing dark circles and bruises, managing mottled pigmentation, reducing skin discoloration and puffiness under eyes. Its efficacy can be increased furthermore by taking it in conjunction with vitamin A. Vitamin K's daily recommended dosage for adult males is 80 mg and 65 mg for females.
B Complex
Another vitamin that is imperative for clearer skin is from the B complex family is what is known as biotin/vitamin B7. This nutrient is not only good for the skin, but also forms the basis of nail and hair cells. Dermatitis or hair loss is what may turn out to be a possible repercussion of the deficiency of biotin. Some common sources of this vitamin include bananas, eggs, oatmeal, rice, etc. Then comes vitamin B3/niacin. This vitamin has been studied and found that it gives the skin a healthy glow, hydrates skin cells and improves the overall tone.
An important aspect of niacin is that it is able to retain moisture and so creams containing this nutrient can actually make the skin look clearer, plumper and younger. Dry and irritated skin can also be managed with the help of this very nutrient.
So these are the vitamins which help make your skin look clear, smooth, youthful and vibrant. On a closing note, minerals such as zinc, selenium, copper, and nutrients like alpha-lipoic acid, DMAE and hyaluronic acid, are no less beneficial for skin than the vitamins mentioned above.