There is a huge upsurge about trying different things in today's generation and changing the existing hair color is one of them. Trying various hair coloring ideas is the latest trend, though it is done to fill up various purposes, be it to hide gray hair or get some highlights and lowlights for hair and look fancier! There are people with dark hair who want to get light colored hair and as a result, there are always chances of the hair getting damaged.
Most of the time, it happens so that the hair gets much dark with the help of dye, than expected. In such a case, there is no option left rather than to lighten the hair. It is a fact that lightening dark hair is way more difficult than darkening the lighter mane. Well, without going far away, there are quite a few techniques that can help to lighten dark hair at home. They are the best techniques to lighten hair naturally and convincingly, without causing too much damage to the texture and health of hair.
Do it Naturally
Henna Powder
This is one of the popular most techniques used to lighten dark hair. The only problem is that henna powder for hair cannot give you 'quick' results, but one has to be patient for it. Other than that, henna powder is easily available in the nearest supermarket, all that one has to do is to bring some henna powder and pour it in boiling water (quantity only to make a solution that can be easily applied to hair). Add some herbs like chamomile flowers or oil and stir it well. Make sure not to let the clots to appear and let the mixture be cool.
Apply it to hair and tie the hair in a bun. Wash the hair with lukewarm water (without shampoo). After the hair gets completely dry, apply a generous amount of coconut oil over it and leave it overnight. Next day, wash the hair with the regular shampoo and apply a good conditioner as well. You will find that the henna color stays there for a longer time and if washed with the given directions, it won't cause any harm to the hair either.
Lemon Mixture
Not so conventional, but mixture of lemon and honey is also an effective way to lighten dark hair. As a matter of fact, honey is a great natural substitute for hydrogen peroxide. Let's see how to make this mixture work on your hair. First of all shampoo your hair and then wash them with a mixture of 2 freshly squeezed lemons and 1 quart of water. After application of this mixture to your hair, you need to sit in the sun for at least 2 hours and then proceed with the rest of the procedure of lightening the hair. Again squeeze 2 lemons directly on your dry hair and comb it well so that the juice spreads through all your hair strands. Sit in the sun and let the sunlight dry your hair.
Rather than bleaching the hair with lemon juice, you can also create and use mixture of lemon juice, dried chamomile flowers, rhubarb root and honey. It will lighten your pale blonde or dirty blonde hair. This process will also create golden locks in your dark brown hair. Wash the hair, the next day with a shampoo and conditioner. Make sure the lemon juice is completely removed from the hair. Once you are done with this process of lightening dark hair, you will have to take extra care of hair, since lemon juice makes the hair dry.
Do it Without Bleach
Keeping hair care as the main purpose in mind, many people do not want to lighten hair with bleach, as it can cause potential harm to the health of the hair. One simple way to do is to dye the hair in the desired color and get it! There are so many beauty products and hair care products that can be used as per the convenience to get rid of the existing color and in order to lighten dark color hair.
Hair Dye
Mix equal amounts of your favorite hair dye color and a 40 volume developer, in a plastic bowl or plastic sprayer bottle. Make sure to avoid clotting or lump formation. Wear plastic or rubber gloves and apply the mixture to the hair with the help of the sprayer bottle or the dye brush. Always start at the nape of neck where the hair is really dark. Start coating tips first and gradually the hair roots.
Leave the coating as per the recommendation mentioned on the box of the hair dye. I would suggest to not to leave it for more than 35 minutes. Afterwards, wash the hair with lukewarm water, until the clear water starts to drip from the hair. Once you notice that, then it is the time to apply shampoo and conditioner and washing the hair as you always do. Use as much as cold water as you can bear and avoid hot water as it will reduce the effect of the color.
Clarifying Shampoo
The main purpose of clarifying shampoo is to clean the dirt, dead skin and waste that may be present there on the scalp. By this rule clarifying shampoo is also effective on removing dark dye residues from the hair and make them look much more light! So, when one wants to lighten dark hair dye, it can be really helpful and effective. It is also said that the dandruff shampoo, especially the medicated dandruff shampoo can also be effective to lighten the hair. The only thing is that they shouldn't be used too often as they can also effectively damage the strength and health if the hair.
Hope the mentioned techniques for lightening dark hair prove helpful and useful for you to get the desired hair color! All the best!