A rook piercing is made through what is called one's antihelix, which is one's inner curvature that tapers downward just below one's upper cartilage curve from the top. It's a flattened out, curved surface that can have a piercing go through the cartilaginous bone, and is an incredibly painful procedure to undergo for many. Those who are able to take the pain can very well sit and take the piercing punctures, but those who aren't prepared, will have to brace themselves for the pain.
The one who invented the rook piercing, was a piercer based in California by the name of Eric Dakota, where his name has been changed around and brought down to 'rook' for short. If one was to have less cartilage area around the antihelix, then piercers don't go ahead with the session, since it needs quite a bit of area to take on the brunt of a piercing.
Types of Ear Piercings
There are different kinds of ear piercings that are available out there for piercers to perform on customers.
- Vertical tragus
- Industrial (through the rook)
- Transverse lobe
- Pinna
- Conch
- Weaving
- Scaffold
- Auricle
- Snug
- Orbital
- Daith
- Anti tragus
- Tragus
- Rook
- Forward pinna
- Snug
- Lobe
- Industrial (normal)
A ring barbell is what is initially used when piercings puncture the cartilage area of the antihelix. After the customer looks satisfied about where the piercing will go, then he / she will give the piercer the green light to carry on with the procedure. A hook is inserted, that is thick and shaped like a needle, which is quickly inserted into the antihelix, where the barbell is then affixed in its place. It is advisable for piercers to use rings for customers, since there is more room for healing than with a barbell in place. It is also of obvious importance to make sure you go to a sterile place when undergoing any form of piercing.
I always make it a habit to visit the same guy that did my piercings, since I know the place is clean, and there is no chance of infection, or the fear of it. Needles have to be immediately discarded after the procedure is done, and customers have to be alert about if the piercer is removing it from a new packet. Ask him / her openly if it is new, and do not be afraid to show that you're being safe; throwing caution to the wind is not an option here. Ears have to be thoroughly cleaned before the piercing is inserted to remove evidence of dirt or germs that may have been present around that area. Piercers have to wear gloves while doing this, in order to keep any foreign bodies from his / her hands, away from the piercing wound. If you want to change your rook piercing in the future, just make sure you don't do this yourself. Asking for help is better, to avoid any complications when switching to another jewelry piercing.
Rook Piercing Care
There are certain things to stick by that will help your wound heal faster, and more importantly without developing an infection.
- A rook piercing, believe it or not, can take up to a year (in some cases) to heal, depending on how the body handles it. It is important to constantly turn the piercing gently while in the shower, to avoid it from causing extra friction between your skin and piercing. This is done during the first couple of months from the day of the piercing.
- Mix sea sat in a cup of water, two teaspoons to be exact, and soak your piercing area in this for a couple of minutes, everyday.
- Do not touch the wound area, since this is quite sensitive to the touch, and can hamper with the healing process.
- A yellow crumbly substance forms around the piercing, which is natural for all piercing wounds; this should be carefully cleaned using soap and water (make sure your soap isn't strong, but mild).
- To speed up the healing process eat foods rich in vitamin C or zinc.
- If pain pursues for many weeks, consult your piercer immediately for relief suggestions. Even signs like redness or extra pus formation should be discussed.