Sophistication is not just limited to the feminine side of the world, but has its wings spread even in the masculine world. What differentiates a man from a boy, is his gentleman like demeanor and his level of sophistication. So is it just wearing a serious look, mature mind and a well-cut suit, that can help make a man sophisticated? Well, you need to have a sophisticated hairstyle matching with your well bred look.
Men nowadays are not shy from experimenting with their look and styles. They are undergoing a make-over and choosing voguish men's fashion ideas along with haircut styles that not only add trendiness and grace to their looks, but sophistication too. So what are these hairstyles that I have rattled about. Which of the men's hair style adds that extra pizazz to your personality? Let have a look at some of them.
Sophisticated Hair Styles
Wearing trendy and sophisticated hairstyles is not only limited to women, but men too can look chic and suave. Men today have a variety of choices like hair care products, shampoos and even fully equipped salons with hair stylists offering exclusive sophisticated hairstyles for men. When you have the resources, why not use them? If you are trying to give yourself a new look, then try some of the sophisticated hairstyles.
High and Tight
The most sophisticated and trendy hair styles for men today is the high and tight hairstyle. The haircut involves a meticulous cropped cut on the sides and the back of the head. There is enough hair left on the top that can be combed through and even styled.
Crew Cut
The most quick and trouble-free style is the crew cut in which your barber just uses the razor through your hair cutting it to the desired length and shape. You see this style very common among the military, police and other servicemen and it oozes authority and confidence.
Relaxed Hairstyle
If you are one of those, who don't want to cut hair short and love long hair, but want to maintain a sophisticated look, do not worry. Just grow your hair, not more than shoulder length and comb through it after shower. Let your hair free and keep adjusting the hair stands behind your ears. But this sophisticated relaxed men hair style is not for those in the profession of medicine or business.
Texture Styles
If you have medium length hair that reaches about three to four inches, then textured styles is for you. Give your hair some razor cut, along with a bit of hair color or lightening techniques and get that sophisticated hair style.
Messy Look
This sexy look also known as the spike is very popular. Just add some hair gel to your hair and using your fingers get that out of bed look. Use your sense of style and with some varying lengths of hair on the top create your own sophisticated hair styles.
Caesar Cut
The Caesar cut needs hair to be shortened from all sides with upward and forwards pushed bangs. You can try this men hair style with spikes. It will give you a chilled out look with some added look of sophistication.
Rock Disco Hairstyle
The rock disco hairstyle has a flat look with a middle parting or splitting. If you are blessed with thick healthy hair, this hairstyle is your style.
Sophisticated Prom Hairstyles
You have a variety of sophisticated prom hairstyles to choose from. You can go in for braided hairstyles or brush cut. The brush cut is suitable for teenagers. Just cut your hair short, so short that it looks like the bristles of a toothbrush. Easy to maintain and looks very cool.
Another sophisticated hair styles for long hair fans. You need to grow your hair long only on the front side and comb it backwards. The back hair is cut short and gives a very trendy, sophisticated look.
Bald Look
Whether you have a receding hairline or not, a bold look will always ooze a sense of maturity and sophistication. Your thinning hair line can be well hidden with a bald look or make you cooler during hot summers. If you are not sure about the bald look, just have a look at Vin Diesel of 'The Pacifier' or Arnold Vosloo in 'The Mummy'. These men sported a bald look , yet maintained a sophisticated and 'polished' look.
Till now you must have understood that the vogue today is more towards short trendy hairstyles for men with a clean-cut look. Short hair makes a man look more mature and well-chiseled. A clean shaven look with any one of the sophisticated hairstyles for men, will surely make you stand out among the other members of the masculine group. You face cut and personality are very important factors to be considered when choosing sophisticated hair styles. Embrace your masculinity with these hairstyles and get the women drooling after you.